8.17.24 ~ End of day Finds



Interesting development – and timing………..Tells me we are very close to the switchover.








Yeah, what would possibly go wrong…………One of “their” conventions next week………



Speaking of next week – interesting timing if true……..

Possible work stoppage at Canada’s two largest railroads could disrupt U.S. supply chain next week – MarketWatch


Yes, today was a stormy 17th – even where I live – thunder so loud it shook the front half of the house………


“Allegedly” Elvis Presley died……..btw – that guy has a bit of a lisp……tiffany blue……..


This reads to me of a space that was artificially controlled – for a purpose – and now that control has switched……



But mama………..what about meeeeeeeeeeee?


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

5 thoughts on “8.17.24 ~ End of day Finds”

  1. Hello…I cannot advise on anything to do with investing. I cannot take responsibility for anyone’s financial decisions. This said, I had a dream last night. Very vivid. Present and felt like a message. I was walking with Trump and one other person I was unfamiliar with. We were scouting for houses in a nice neighborhood and we were looking for something up for sale. I’m telling you this in order to tell you about a potential opportunity. To reiterate, I cannot advise. However, I am feeling these recent offers are all part of the buildup to Nesara/Gesara. And yet, as we are all aware…these are strange and new times. Many illusions to deal with. So we can only trust our hearts and quiet the internal doubts and negative monologues (that I believe are part of a dark program to rob us of our sovereign soul status.) This offer might be of interest, and again–I am not wishing to make decisions for anyone out there…this may be a golden opportunity. Do the research. Make your choice based on your “feel”…and may God bless you with prosperity and abundance. This: https://getlibertybadge24.com/landing-page-8000?aff_id=21114

    1. very interesting dream – we are getting closer to IT. t/y for the link – i’d want to know who is behind it and what metal(s) are in the coins. do you know? how did you find the site?

      1. The offer is all over Telegram, Bongino, Tucker, Musk, all endorsing this as a maga support effort. Honestly–due to the incredible negative reinforcement over the last 8 years–I still find it difficult to trust anything that sounds like “good news.” It’s terrible how we’ve lost our sense of trust, even when we are critically aware and attuned to our higher intuitive self. I just felt it was the thing to do, and chose to see this as an op to get a house and move into an area I’d be happier living in–and perhaps this deeply embedded longing triggered the dream. But, when I have dreams that are this explicit, and people like Trump show up…I just have to seek deeper wisdom and tap into my “guides” for decision support. BTW–I had a DT dream years ago where I was standing next to him looking out over a battlefield–like Patton–and I felt it was reinforcement as a reminder that this is an endgame war of good vs evil. Also of note, the Gates MonkeyPox chemtrail agenda is pretty awful. Where is our WH military? Shouldn’t they deter all these planes before they leave the runway? Anyhow…I cannot say with any great certainty that we may have to endure worse events before we can have a better world. The evil that Gates represents is something that is anti-human. Blessons

        1. that’s my question – why not stop it – IF it’s legit/real that is. i’m personally feeling most of this is fear b.s. to distract…. although i am seeing farmers saying the GMO seeds are fine (immune to aluminum) but their organic crops have 5X the level of aluminum.

          1. Yes. Agree–most of the FEAR campaign is a distraction tool. It lowers our vibration. I’m also aware that “social-engineering” has defined how the corporate elites (Dark Nobility etc) have shaped who we are as a society. The creation of the welfare state, and the negation of self-reliance has been on course since the wealthiest psychopaths began stealing the farmland during the great depression and manufactured Dust-bowl apocalypse approx. 100 years ago. And now we see more of the land-grab tactics at play. Only now we have countries(CCP) with corporate fronts buying our farm land. We the sleeple are in for a very rude awakening unless we acknowledge how we are being programmed for failure. The greatest reset has to do with reclaiming our sovereignty. Recognizing Who we Be–the greatest test of our collective will and mettle. Enough heavy metals already…I need to fortify the inner strength and wisdom to weather this storm. The storm is upon us…Archons be Gone! [ps ‘Zeolite’ is a recommended heavy metal detox supplement. Dr Tenpenny recommends as well as a healer I know who used it successfully for a serious condition.] Blessons!

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