

I think sometimes, just sometimes, I care too much | I care too much, Caring too much, I care

Taking back those energies and putting them into myself

Portal message:  Just reaffirming what I’ve always known – once the split occurs – not all will be a part of the reality where there are governments (voting, etc.).  For many, that concept (along with pay to live and all of the systems here) is absolutely completely fully foreign to our Soul.  

The urge to go home is H U G E atm.  Been growing again for awhile.  It’s part of Me.  Period.


Still trying to verify this one……..Astoundingly H U G E if true…..long time coming.


I detect truth laced with some sarcasm…….







Only the CIC does this………..


OMG  lolol………..







Another flip………






Again – why don’t we see them at night consistently?  Mike asking the hard questions……..UFO’s, disclosures………….this is a good one….Look around for those blue lines…………


NEW Global Phenomenon Taking World by Storm!!






Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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