8.27.24 ~ Disclosure Continues……………FBOOK, Zuckerberg, etc..


May be an image of 1 person and text


This month has been challenging.Β  I see clearer – and see why.

If you still come here, please let me know – I need to know.Β  TY!




Yep – as I and others said – Pompeo was one of “them”:


For those who have been saying fix 2020, here you go:


Fall of fake news……..





On again, off again………..


Disclosure on what has been………..




fucherberg is (was) f’d…………


I got recently verbally attacked online – and I mean hard core – by a local woman for talking about hydroxyc and other treatments for c.v.Β  Threats, name calling – she got reported and blocked.Β  4-6%:Β  avoid ’em.


Even if that means being alone – so be it.






I still know bigger – much bigger – is going on……….above is just good chocolate.Β  The BIGGER is the food for my Heart, Mind and Soul and Spirit.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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