8.31.24 ~ Heading into September…………Do we remember? NSA to host podcast series starting next Thursday the 5th. “NO SUCH AGENCY NO SUCH PODCAST”.Reflection/share and Finds and a gematria.





Around we go and here we are again – last go around?  September song waxing in again.  I simply observe.  This morning I thought T gets reinstated (remember Elon Musk used the term REINSTATE instead of ELECTED in a recent poll comment) before November as all is finally shown (that will be shown) and IF there is an election it’s that red wave landslide.  Awhile later I was sharing this insight, walked outside and looked in the sky and for a split moment, I saw the OMEGA symbol in the sky.  It was one of those “WTF what???” moments.  But my mind’s eye knows what it saw.  The OMEGA is the 24th and last letter of the greek alphabet and indicates the end.  Biblically, it’s been shown as the symbol of Jesus’ head too.  Also interesting as we’re in 2024 and it’s the 24th letter.  Anyway, it was interesting.


Calligraphy Letter V


Gematria for OMEGA:


A End Game



Numbers just keep going up…




Didn’t she have that already?

Hillary Clinton Drops Out of Kamala Harris Fundraiser in the Hamptons After Getting Covid From DNC Convention Superspreader in Chicago | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila




This is HUUUUUUGE.  See the video below………..(remember Trump showed us this week a cluster of MEME’s including one talking about public military tribunals?)………



World News Report Today 

Space Weather Update And MORE Live With World News Report Today August 31st 2024!


Drop Search Results: No Such Agency (qalerts.app)














that look……….😂





Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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