8.6.22 ~ Finds, goodies, etc.






I’ve been spending some time looking for a phone upgrade but have Z E R O interest/desire within – where it’s most important – to do so.  We’ve discussed getting certain things for the home but again – NO energy behind the thought.  I’ve been thinking about what Rose has said – that has created, imo, some unnecessary fear in some of her followers:  the idea that if you make a big purchase or do something not considered basic survival, it can change your course – some theorize get you kicked out of heaven/home.  My feeeeeeeeeeel and sense on this – after thinking logically – is that when you have a consciousness hooked into a particular situation, unplugging is a delicate process.  The more one is hooked into that reality – whether a simulation or not – the harder it is to withdraw/detach from it.  I still feel there is SO much divine love in this experience (just saw a double rainbow pop up on my screen!) – that no one can get it “wrong”.  WWG1WGA.  We ALL are liberated from the matrix prison.  And where we end up is in some part based on who we are/were at the end of the experience here.  It’s like being on a vacation you are REALLY into so returning home is an adjustment as compared to being on a vacation from hell so returning home is a breeze – and welcomed.  And KNOWING the true nature of that vacation also is important – hence this ridiculous clown show being shown for those to just have 1 or 2 WTF moments – which I continue to feel is all it takes to tap the consciousness enough for it to begin to awaken.

Does that make sense?  It’s something I’ve been reflecting on – something I continue to return to.

Here’s what I am seeing today.





San Tarot’s latest………The title alone was enough for me (again)………..I will share w/you my feel on the first cards she pulled:  The coyote is the matrix (trickster) trying to keep our attention and wanting our energy – while the page of water felt to me like our Original Innocence…..then the dragon card shows our future being protected (again by the coyote/trickster/matrix).  See above in my intro fmi on where I am atm.



24 hour pattern (lasting about 11 hours) continues – going on 3 weeks – building……….See MrMBB333 video below fmi………



Water has risen – suddenly.  Output has slowed way down in the last 24 hours.  50% change.  Seems pretty divinely planned/created………..


Something has SUDDENLY began to change at Lake Mead!




Well talk about biblical symbology:


Ok, so I am more drawn to the 13:08 which I was nudged to check out….I remembered 17 talking about that pic of the ship on top of a building in Malaysia and how we were told the picture was “original” and to think about what that means…………Looking below – I think I have a better understanding.  Original is likely linked to the timelines and shows us how time travel is used in this clean up.  Is it the end result timeline?  I don’t know – but I would think so as Original tells me REAL – uncompromised – which is where we are headed….going back in “time” to get to the Future.  Anyway an anon says it’s a Jet Blue plane – and someone asked – Israel? – (saving for last therefore perhaps a com?).


May 02, 2018 10:55:33 PM EDT



POTUS on TRUTH Social – 1:08pm Eastern…

*He is scheduled to speak at CPAC at 5:35pm Central / 6:35pm Eastern

That Brand New Beautiful World we are all SO ready for:

August 6 – 9
Hiroshima & Nagasaki WW2
Atomic Bombings.
Perfect time for an event & a Presidency change.
Nixon to Ford.
Pelosi down – trip ends in Japan
Kuril Islands.
Russia declares war on Japan Aug 8 1945.
China Dams
Bidan to Grassley
Green Corn Moon
Expect Fireworks
Think Currency
Think Stellar
Vs the USD Rothschild’s & Crown
PBK’s birthday Aug 7.
Comms Games ends Aug 8 [8/8]
LONDON agreement was signed Activating Nuremberg Trials Aug 8 1945.
City Of London.



Too many good people are getting destroyed.

It should be EVERYONES red line.

Enough is enough.

I’m still not feeling like this is for me (that future being created) – but it is what I saw in the John dream from 4 long frigging years ago……….

“America’s comeback begins 11/22” – DJT


And some humor….



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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