9.19.23 ~ Check in and Finds



Today has been a challenge to power up and hold the line.  Jesus – what are we supposed to do?  I’m busting myself hard here to change my experience and my life – and get easily angered that it all comes down to money .  I keep throwing darts at my aimed focus on the dart board – eventually one of them will stick and POOF the doors will open.  I seek true philanthropists – those who have been able to create a lot of abundance and whose focus is on truly helping others.  Heck, that’s what I’ve always wanted to do – longed for it – to have financial abundance so I could find others in need – talk with them – and write ’em a check and move on.  There are no real lessons to be learned here – other than to see how pay to live and all of their other toxic doings harm us all.  THAT if anything is the real lesson to be seen by all.  Then there would be more compassion – and sometimes that has to be enough.

The weather was beautiful – skies totally blue until late afternoon – then they laid down a few.

Some day this will switch, right?  Now is always good.

A L W A Y S.

Here’s what I’m seeing.




Mic drop:


He says it: “4 Dimensional Chess does anyone know what that means?”



We need to have one giant toilet flush already and be done with this nonsense.  The MIL still doing their thing……….?  apparently……….?



This absolutely could be (part of) what many of awakened truthers have been feeling.



“mind blowing” low……..

Antarctic Sea Ice Shrinks to “Mind-Blowing” Low (yahoo.com)





Anything in those mags showing us the good stuff coming and a general sense of when?






been saying it all. along. – i N E V E R trusted rosie (and she was recently w/kari lake which gives me pause).  if you can – watch the video.  you will notice a picture of HRC (when she was younger) on the fireplace mantel.  that should tell us all who is working for whom……..





We REALLY need a frequency change – doing this on your own – yeah – kinda need one of the rare experts in this field doing this.  Ain’t no one around here that I know of – we need a list of these docs.  Anyone have them?


Doesn’t the title imply they have been hiding it all along?


PELOSI LIED! Former Capitol Police Chief Sund Testifies He Had 3 Calls with Pelosi on Jan. 6 – Pelosi Said They Never Spoke – But Sund Says He Has the Receipts! (VIDEO)


BREAKING BIG: Via House Judiciary Committee Republicans – FBI LOST COUNT of How Many Paid Informants They Had in the Trump Crowd on January 6!


September 30.  They going to raise it (debt ceiling) again?  At the current level it is, given what I’ve read, even if raised it will crash the economy if allowed to continue:


The Republican Party infighting is driving America toward a government shutdown (msn.com)


Seeing some 10km “earthquake” activity in Japan today……..







Flashes of Remembrance………Justice…..Finding your way….getting flashes of energies from a different reality………


Virgo – Coming back a stranger.


And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖










Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “9.19.23 ~ Check in and Finds”

    1. hey now my friend – play nice. lol i wouldn’t say it’s b.s. as my research shows there is significance to the #33 – as Trump and VK and others have referenced. i’m also not a follower of Phil’s. T may have been given that check – but do we know for sure he kept it? and i’m pretty sure that debt won’t have to be paid off as it was accumulated under the fraudulent US INC/CORPORATION. it’s all on a computer screen – no assets backing it as well. when the old CORPORATE STORE/SYSTEM is dissolved – poof – there goes the debt w/it.

      1. Who knows. I don’t get into personalities. Janine, from Tarot by Janine did 2 readings on the documents, and the cards say they are legit. She say that Phil revealed so much, that he may get in a bit of trouble over it, since the names on the documents were not redacted. The cards revealed that the money was taken from the cabal/Vatican and given back to the people. So the money must have been gold backed. It’s a Robin Hood move that was initiated even before Trump took office, as the operation is older than Potus! But, only time will tell how all of this will move forward. I’m not holding my breath, in any case.

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