Today’s title is dedicated to my girl who, upon seeing her mama take some time in the bathroom to have a mini melt-down, said “mama – today’s a fidget spinner day. When you come out, use your spinner. We all need those today!”
She was absolutely correct. A wise girl, as I told her.
Each of us had such moments today – each for our own personal reasons.
I don’t like these calendar days where much of the world focuses on some date that “they” decided to create FOR us. I can sense their ceremonies. Today, I lamented how I am finished having to detach from that and do the extra work to be in my Heart space and vibe as “high” – as best as I can. It’s like being in the middle of a storm with winds trying to push you around – and remaining still, feed solidly planted on the ground.
Sometimes the wind knocks you off your feet for a brief moment or two.
So get out those fidget spinners and breathe deeply. Eat some chocolate.
Experiences today I find “relevant” for these “times”: Suddenly knowing I’m in a dream and having that experience of “am I about to awake”. And getting into the car today, I hear the end of an REM song “that was just a dream, just a dream, just a dream…..” Suddenly feeling a part of me – in full – doing something else – and calling me forward to join in some way – big or small I don’t know. After being ravishingly hungry, able to eat pretty much anything, nausea is upon me – sensitive stomach – craving root veggies – a sign I need to ground and detach from those around me. For as I said – it was a fidget-spinner day – and I am having to walk a fine line between being supportive and letting others have their own experience based on their own choices…
And this is happening as a whole but also VERY uniquely and individually. I saw that very clearly today on a walk I took. Seeing a variety of different experiences – some with Biden signs – some wearing their masks outside – each comfortable with their own experience – whether based in logic, fear or from the Heart. Let it all Be, I felt.
I continue to choose the Heart as best as I can. And when I fail to do that, I got my fidget spinner.
Spin away Wild Ones to whatever experience you desire for yourself.
Thank you for your ongoing love and support!
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