9.3.24 ~ Finding “5D in 3D” ~ Headlines, etc.






Emotional day for me today.  I’ve been doing a variety of verbal intentions (daily) while doing energy work with my body/nervous system (not daily) – sometimes the body and the mind meet at this place where the body reminds the mind “PAY ATTENTION you are getting ahead of me.”  The body absolutely keeps score, and I was reminded of that again.  Intending with the mind without listening to the body lands you where it did for me today.  Body says, “SLOW DOWN.  I am willing, but I got this stuff to remove first”.   Haven’t done an emotional purge like that in years.

As I was having this experience, I was also having those heart pulls for what is pure and real – something I can trust.  Something that will come along and not hurt me with sudden ugly behavior leaving me frightened and confused.  I didn’t put it out there as an intention necessarily – it was just something coming from my heart.  On our bike ride today, I was greeted by several monarch butterflies and then we were treated to a dance with dragonflies.  It. was. amazing.  Especially the dragonflies.  My girl and I had parked our bikes under some trees and noticed one dragonfly – quite large – fly by us, do a little dance, then passed by us again, going the other way, making a loop.  This continued for several minutes.  I thought to capture it with my camera but put it back, not wanting to miss one second of this magic.  In time, another dragonfly joined in.  My girl kept saying, “Mom, I can’t believe this is happening.  It’s amazing!”

It was.

And just for us.

When I arrived home, later on, I was experiencing unwanted conversation and looking outside for distraction, I saw two hummingbirds – one coming right up to the window.

Here’s what I am seeing.  Please remember to share and leave a financial contribution in exchange for enjoying my work.  Thank you!




“email the morgue”.  oh he goes there…………




The reposts are one of those “SEE I TOLD YOU!” for we truthers/anons….




Creepy face………



“I’d have no problem with it” (releasing the list)……….in other words – it’s coming.  Awakened ones are weary-screaming “W H E N?!  NOW is good.”


Not all fires – allegedly – but still acts of violence, vandalism……….as though in the end there’s really a difference?







Semis Slaughtered As September Starts Off With Carnage Everywhere | ZeroHedge


“They are HIDING a massive UFO base in Antarctica” | Redacted w Clayton Morris


Scenes from my childhood………..although no desire to go back………just grab some pure and go forward into ALL Pure……..






Bring back the Bells…………we have one in our area – whenever i hear it i intuitively stop and listen.  The Body Knows.


Make LOVE Great and Everywhere Again………







Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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