9.5.24 ~ Some interesting finds and reflecting




I had another deja vu today – and it was intense and lasted for almost a minute.  I feel these moments have to do with waking up more on the outside – and perhaps outside we are a few milliseconds ahead – always in the future, so to speak.  And I really don’t know now what it is when I say “outside” – other than my Soul – the “rest of” my Consciousness.  Something has been up with these experiences because they became very intense the past few years.  I thought of Neo in the matrix – while he was waking up and questioning inside the very matrix he wanted out of – he still did not fully wake up until he was literally pulled out – back in his original body.  And waking up from that experience is like waking up from a dream – very similar experience cognitively/consciously as is a deja vu experience.


Here’s what I’m seeing.




This is very interesting………..I’ve been doing my own practices – sometimes I get in my own way but always get back at it………It’s important, for me, to go to that space where I see what I want to see – not necessarily what I am seeing…..(or feeling, experiencing, etc.)………..I have had an inner sense for awhile now this place is more malleable than I let myself believe….

wanted to include the entire screen capture:




People were asking – WHERE?  Where are you going to build all these homes Trump?

I reflect and immediately “get”:  Think Antarctica.  Think massive amounts of land beyond the ice wall.  Think everything is a lie.  Think this reality is NOT what “they” have sold us.  And as far as roads – what I’ve seen – where we’re going – there are no roads.  We fly.  We teleport.  So no roads needed – Other than nice soft dirt roads for walking, etc – which is REALLY REALLY soft and cool – which I have felt in two visions I have had – unexpected visions.

(i did notice once i posted the above i had a porn bot immediately like it – that’s the AI telling me stop speaking truth)  😂

Yes, small accounts do matter and I support them because I get to see little goodies like this:



Maybe we already had our 711 event (when he won in 2016 – which allowed for a major timeline jump and imho ensured our victory)………But like Cowboy says in his bio – wtf do I know?


I love this guy – he needs his own radio show….(oh god please give it to him – i tried listening to a show that supports Trump but my gawd – they still aren’t seeing what we do).


Speaking of radio shows, I’ve been listening to old Art Bell now and then recently.  One show was from the Clinton years.  OMG – how asleep we all were.  It was funny to listen to – and I could also feel that was a completely different timeline.


The comms are getting deeper…………


It’s almost as though we are trying to bust out of here….

Huge SpaceX rocket explosion shredded the upper atmosphere (nature.com)


Antarctica latest:

New species of dragonfish discovered off Antarctica. See it | Miami Herald

The ozone hole above Antarctica will keep opening up each spring for decades to come – here’s why that still matters (theconversation.com)



Words matter.  “HEAL OUR WORLD”.  Script is changing indeed.

Trump vows to ‘heal our world’ during fired-up Hannity town hall (rsbnetwork.com)


BREAKING: Father of Apalachee High School Mass Shooter Arrested on MULTIPLE CHARGES, Including Second-Degree Murder



BREAKING: Hunter Biden Shocks Courtroom, Enters Guilty Plea, Avoids Trial, Faces 17 Years in Prison


BREAKING: FBI Raids Homes of NYPD Commissioner and Police Chief – Following Raids Into Mayor Eric Adams’ Closest Aides



Small asteroid burns up over Philippines just hours after being spotted in space (yahoo.com)




Ms Melania has a new memoir out.  Interesting color choice (and interesting date – for me that is – for the release – 9.24):

Melania Trump teases ‘deeply personal’ book that will tell ‘The Truth’ (msn.com)

Trends | People-Powered News





And I know you all noticed the name “Colt” yesterday………








Wealth abundance comms going deeper……..

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “9.5.24 ~ Some interesting finds and reflecting”

  1. As an aside–I’ve listened to Clif High over the years and appreciate his background, and consider his POV as helpful–even when not completely agreeing with his analysis. As one example, I have heard him criticize Charlie Ward, and as I recall Simon Parkes as well. I do not go to any single source for the ‘read’ on appearances, and yet–I feel Clif has some bone to pick with certain people, on occasion. I thought it might have to do with him feeling under-acknowledged for his contributions. Who really knows. Here’s the detail of interest: Clif says the QFS doesn’t exist. In recent weeks mention of the QFS is all over Telegram, with comments about NESARA coming from sources like Julian Assange(among quite a few more voices). We have seen so many clues–and of course the MSM avoids headlines like, “900 bankers arrested”(as one example.)
    The border situation has escalated to the degree that we seem to be witnessing the setup for the Media-predicted unCivil War. The fact that we’re seeing Zuckerberg being held to account for election interference, and Hunter’s “plea deal” (the wealthy always get the plea deal), indicate that change is afoot. The Trump critics will say DT’s figure re inflated housing costs is”30%- due to govt regulations” is false. DT’s critics will say that developing housing on federal lands is a potential blight on the integrity of the environment. And as I hear it: “Blame Trump.” If people wish to see eco-villages built that are regenerative and based on actual sustainable agricultural ideals–then WE THE PEOPLE need to get our hands dirty and spend less time working for the Techno-elite. Who said transitioning would be easy? …there’s work to be done. I’ll vote for DJT’s Policies. And BTW–next time someone asks who we are voting for–say, “I’m voting for policy, not personality.” Blessings

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