Ok, so I have had this theory myself over the last few years. I have thought perhaps I am in this particular location for a reason ~ that reason being to anchor in the light frequency energies. Now my logical mind says “uh yeah right that is just woo woo stuff!” My ego says “ok now let’s not put yourself up on a pedestal ~ you ain’t that important ~ other beings get that honor”.
However, my heart says “You are important. You matter. You are serving a purpose right where you are.” No doubt. And hey, I LOVE the woo woo stuff because that is indeed Who I Am.
Not more important than anyone else. And certainly not less important either. Just important. Serving a purpose.
So I read the following tonight: “Here’s an interesting theory. Could it be that us lightworkers are spread along the Earth’s energy grid lines? I just did some research and it turns out that I live 100 meters (109 yards) from a leycentre: our church! This church apparently dates back from the 9th century. I also discovered that there have been many archeological finds in my very close neighbourhood, dating back as far as from the Iron Ages (the year 800 BC) ! How impressive! I only moved here 5 months ago! Have any of you done research on this? It can be easily found online! Just google earth ley lines and ley centres + your location.”
So I did a search and it turns out where I reside is in an area close to the anchoring point between two vortexes in my state.
Perhaps that explains why I have been more or less dragged to this place 3 times throughout my life ~ leaving has had me facing walls that rather annoy me.
So ok. I have served my purpose.
New Earth next step. Thank you!
Try it out yourself and see what you find. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]