The event 2018. The arrival of the date. Take ownership of your path.


editor’s note:  in the middle of the night, i awoke – or perhaps i was still dreaming – i was between states of consciousness – and i was hearing noises in the sky – that sounded like large panels being moved.  when i woke up i thought – damn – still here.  i am attached to this experience (our exit)- and i am letting myself feel that.  it’s one of those things i cannot NOT feel.  anyway – i let myself feel the disappointment ~ the depression ~ and in the middle of that i also could feel myself removing resistance ~ attachments i still held to this realm.  yesterday i was in a state of doubt and clinging (fear)……  as i released and relaxed, i had a thought come to me:  this marks the start of this exit.  i received a vision – like watching a movie – when the movie ends there are still credits that follow. so my feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel is we are in the rolling credits piece.  lisa harris has said this date as given marked the beginning ~ which can take up to 4 weeks to complete for All.

the vision comforted me ~ calmed down the WTF experience i had.  anyway ~ a good piece below that resonates with my heart…  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Published on Jul 30, 2018

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.