Today’s Experiences and Reflections


people are going batshit crazy (to borrow the phrase)!!  programming breaking down the bots and pushing the humans to purge.  the last two days i have been all over town and people, i gotta say, some are flipping the farm fu## out.  lol  yesterday i witnessed a woman ahead of me (on a 2-way street) turn on her left blinker. i naturally assumed she was taking a left into one of the driveways or streets.  nope.  she pulls into the left lane and continues to drive – the wrong way.  i begin honking, waving my arms, attempting to get her attention.  nope.  she kept on going.  i saw cars coming the opposite way, headed straight for her and figured she would see them (my venture out required that i turn off the street).  the speed limit is 25 so hopefully no accidents.  i didn’t hear of any.

my mate witnessed someone freak the farm “f” out and throw her bike into a row of parked bikes, yelling all sorts of obscenities.  today he said people seemed irritated and the energy was very chaotic.

today, i walked up to the manager of a store to ask where the stationary aisle was.  she stopped suddenly and gave me a look like “WHAT do you WANT??!!” (which actually made me shrink back) before telling me.  i smiled and thanked her.  don’t want to feed the beast.  lol

while in line, the clerk, although pleasant, emanated tension and exhaustion.  and the dad and son in front of me – well let’s just say the look on the dad’s face said “if i were at home i would be grumpin’ all over the place” (his little boy was being annoying – nothing unusual – just kid annoying).  dad looked exhausted and at the end of his rope.

headed to the next store, i observed some guy in a large green work truck in back of me driving erratically.  swerving recklessly, driving far too fast.  at one point as i watched him swerve out, i thought he was trying to avoid an oncoming car.  nope.  he just pulled into a driveway.

as i headed down the road, this human bot in a subaru was driving down the middle of the road so i had to swerve to the right.

it was at this point i said “jesus effing i’m going home NOW!”

so much continues to bubble up ~ i have to pause and wonder why some people, when asked, claim they don’t feel a thing.

i know this much – my body certainly feels different today.  light and shaky. spacey.  getting myself out of bed this morning was unbelievably difficult. moving the vessel in a slug-like fashion.  i had some heart palps today and a few times anxiety sky-high.  i moved slow and breathed calmly and deeply to soothe thyself.

while in the car, i turned on the radio and said “ok Universe inspire me with a song”.  what comes on?  Foreigner ~ “Long Long Way From Home”.  Talk about an appropriate song.  “It was my destiny.  ….  I was inside looking outside.  Millions of faces but still I’m alone.  Waiting…..I could feel the tension.  I was longing for home.”

YES!!  Every cell in me, every piece of my heart, all of my fractals cried “YES”.  Tears came.

Longing for home.

Because this is Not.  It.

Obviously.  (watching the skies a lot right now)

Here’s to Home.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

Much love,



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.