A Friend’s Current Energy/Event Experiences


v’s note:  relating……..forgot to add that the noise sensitivity continues to be crazy intense……….


Christie Hanalei
20 hrs

Slept all day, head is spinning, very very very sensitive to noise, feeling achy, neck hurts… the symptoms have to do with the (crystalline) upgrades we are going thru now. More experiences with the Elves, this time an Elf Princess, with long red hair and long flowing dress, talked to me as I was falling asleep. She was saying different things to me and she gave me a crystal crown, with leaf-designs on it and it was so beautiful. I gave her the same crown, but in her size. We were our crowns and just chatted. She said she could give me some natural elf recipes in order for me to regain health and slim down. She gave me a visual of what my body could look like and feel like if I used the herbal recipes/ remedies.

Some of us at the Soul level are* a Faery Being or an Elf Being, or other kind of Beings, and so we naturally tend to gravitate towards the things that our Soul IS. So me as a Faery Goddess (i am goddess Isis, who is* a fearie goddess in actuality)…. me as a Faery Goddess, which is who-I-am at the Soul level, means that I love my herbs and potions and nature, and animals. Sparkly things, things that smell good, health and energy practices, cute dresses or accessories, crystals, colors, art, flitting around being myself… once I knew* my real identity*, things made a little more sense and I could see why* I love the things that I do. Men can be faery beings too… once I walked past a young guy about 21 years old while I was out running errands… as I was walking past him, my inner voice said, he’s a man faery. Well I ended up talking to him later on, as he works at a coffee place by my house. After chatting with him, I was like, oh he is such a Faery, he likes all the Faery things. But i didn’t tell him that he was a Faery bc I could intuitively see, that he was not prepared to know this yet.

We are most attracted to the realm that we are from. So an incarnated unicorn, will be very drawn to unicorn beings.

We also have the ET aspect of self. Altho we have travelled to every star system and have been at all of them, there is probably one (or 2) that you resonate with the most. These are the star systems we were at the longest. For me it’s Sirius and Beta Centauri, these were the ones i was at most. I had visions of myself doing/ creating with these transluscent spheresspheres on beta centauri. Looked like a lot of fun. I also saw that my archetype that I embody at my home planet, which I feel extends to my human self, is that of “warrior princess.” I have bee forgetting to connect with my home planet and my star family lately. Hope I reconnect soon 💞

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.