The event 2018. Twinflash plus synthetic ascension.


editor’s note:  i just recalled one of the many (new/unusual) dreams i had last night ~ rainbows all over the sky.  i knew what i was seeing was important and related to the event.  if any messages were given to me i do not consciously recall them.  i asked within for clarification and more info if necessary and will share anything i feeeeeeeeeeeel/hear.  anyway interesting to hear linea speak of rainbows at the beginning.  much love.  v.

update:  as i sit here, listening to the rest of linea’s video and she speaks at the end of the rainbow energy finally being here (in relation to a song), i suddenly recalled more of my dream.  something in the astral was trying to keep me from looking up – the feeeeeeeeeeeeling i have is the ALL was sending out this image in the astral for us to see ~ and i almost missed seeing it – but BIG ME literally grabbed my head and pointed it upwards and said “Victoria look!”  and as human me said “WOW!” – the image was gone just as quickly as it entered.  so yes i do feeeeel the astral is still being influenced for some of us ~ i do not feel to the same extent ~ but as lisa harrison says and i say – they will be up to their little games until the last possible second.  the rainbow energy is here.  i saw it.  anyone else have a rainbow dream recently?


Published on Aug 18, 2018

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “The event 2018. Twinflash plus synthetic ascension.”

  1. I guess the question that comes to mind is “how far does the matrix trap go”? If we get free of the planetary matrix, then what? A galactic matrix? A universal matrix? And what does this say about the source/creator, assuming it exists?
    How can it create the universe and be so impotent that it sits back while its creation gets taken over by some dark entities trying to enslave the rest of creation? or is this what was intended by this original source? is it amused by our quandary? So is source/creator part of the problem? does existence in this creator’s universe always involve pain and suffering? if so is existence itself the problem?
    And if this event happens how do we know if it is for our highest good or just more alien/archonic bullshit?
    And of course are we just overthinking all this and it our paranoia coming out? Paranoia from having our minds wiped and living in a world of lies. Do we just need to have faith? But how can we have faith when this planet and all beings had been handed over to evil alien forces for millennia while the “good loving” source/creator/universe just sat back and took in the show? and for what? A game? A game that is more important than us? How can we have faith that the source/creator actually cares?
    Since it doesn’t seem possible for us to know the truth i guess the questions and speculations are endless.

    1. i have asked myself similar questions. beyond this matrix is there another matrix? another control system? it is my understanding that all realms of control ~ the virus of power over control systems ~ have been/are being wiped so we can return to pure organic creating. as far as Source ~ i have been feeling for awhile now there is no source outside of us – that each of us are fractals of source therefore it is US doing this cleaning up/healing. i say we continue to ask those questions. it keeps us from being complacent ~ too much in an allowing state which is where outside influence (power over) can slip in and make a mess.

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