An Interesting Conversation


i’ve been having some insightful, interesting conversations with real earth brother rick the past several days.  he continues to correspond with clair ~ i have felt her more lately as it has become easier for me to tune into that space of the All.  i wanted to share an amazing synchronicity that happened earlier tonight.  i was telling my mate my ability to tune in has really increased the past several days.  after i said this, my phone let me know i had a message and it was rick who said  “she (meaning clair) just said you are tuning in much better.”

some other tidbits ~ clair said our conversations have been very accurate lately.  (we are trying to put together the pieces of the puzzle – what’s happening – where do we go from here – what happens upon the transition)…..

and here is ANOTHER synchro that just happened.  it is 10:00pm here (pacific time) and as i go to pick up my phone to find the exact words he said, i find another text he had sent i did not hear.  i did not hear it for i was in hysterics, laughing so hard along with my daughter as we recalled something we experienced in our bike right tonight which we both found very funny.  i had to leave the room to calm down – i was laughing so hard (plus choking on popcorn and needing to use the bathroom – not a pretty site when you’re my age).  so as i was in the bathroom i suddenly could feel a group of people “around” me – next to me is more accurate – and i could sense clair – i don’t know who the rest were.  anyway i could sense them laughing along with me and i could FEEEEEL the energy of their humor.  it was pure delight.  my girl came running into the bathroom and we both just stood there, giggling like crazy.

i can honestly say i felt almost manic – the intensity of the humor i was feeling was so intense (don’t get me wrong – i LOVED the feeling).  my girl – behaving the same way (although she’s a child so not that unusual of her.)

so imagine my OMG face when i go and notice, just minutes ago, the text he had sent at that time of me and child going full on giggles ~which said, and i quote:  “omg i just heard what sounded like 10 people laughing their asses off….must be we are the entertainment.”

this is getting ridiculously real.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”grin” wrap=”i”]

also having a convo with a youtuber and social media friend who is suddenly having abilities of his seriously amping up now – totally freaking him out. this is all so beautiful!



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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