Today’s Experiences and that da** word purge


I awoke this morning with such an overwhelming and I mean overwhelming need for purpose and connection.  It is a survival thing ~ an energetic soul survival thing.  Without either, my Soul suffers.  And overall, I have had the bucket not nearly to the level I need with both.

I’m pretty sure many of you can relate.

So I did a deep release ~ from the gut.  Wept.  One of those intensely messy cries where I was crying out PLEASE let me have a sense of PURPOSE and CONNECTION.  I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED this!  After this release, I had a vision of a piano and thought “hmmm I wonder if the piano’s are around town now”.  Once a year my community places piano’s throughout the city in honor of a local festival.  I then was reminded how, weeks and weeks back, I was told “your music will set you free” which only triggered me as I have shared my music over the years mostly for free and felt I have done all I can do with it.  I still noticed the vision and follow up thought and felt “synchronicity” was in the air.

So….after breakfast, I decided to go to one of the large craft stores ~ took my girl so she could get some doll supplies and me some beading supplies.  I put on my “cosmic condom” as I call it (protection bubble) and headed out.  After the craft store visit, I decided to visit the store that has had the piano display in years past.  Sure enough, there saw a beautiful little spinnet, just waiting for someone to play it.  After getting my food, I decided to sit down and play.  Within moments I had a small group of people, giving me requests.  Little children were dancing.  It was….amazing!  People were taking pictures, videos.  After one of my songs a man walked over to me, complimented my music and asked if I ever hire out for gigs.


So we talked, exchanged business cards.

When I finished playing, a couple of the little children came over and thanked me for playing.  Oh it was so touching.  They weren’t older than 4/5.

If anything, this gave me that sense of purpose.  A little spark.  And I also had a few really nice connections with some of you today that meant a lot.

Are we this needy?  Is it because we are living such artificial/superficial lives ~ contrary to what we really and i mean REALLY desire and who we are?

I feel this, yes.

Emotional/spiritual/mental deprivation of any kind for long term brings out that huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge empty state inside and loooooooooooooongs to be filled.

That, my friends, is why we long for the transformation.  The return to Who We Are.  Connections.  Purpose.  Freedom.  Just typing those words brings out a deep sigh.

Here is to that return.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Today’s Experiences and that da** word purge”

  1. Oh Yes, was ready to head to WH today to ask how can I help! At least he is doing something beneficial. If anyone thinks it’s not all connected, they are blind. Tired of the waiting game, bored with same conversations with same people. Animals and children provide laughter. I know I have been amazing in what I can do. My Soul is ready to explode. Yesterday I saw myself at the Gate, in a heap, begging to be let in…so done with this and dat from spiritual community. A few days ago, terrible dreams and thoughts. They are not mine! How did they get in? Don’t I do enough? Waking up to severe ringing in ears, I know that is 5 G crap. What else do I need to do to stop? Paint lead on my walls?

    Thank you for allowing me this moment of being really pissed off! I/We deserve it

    OMG a hummingbird just came in my door!

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