Today’s Reflection – The Purple Pill and a Divine Message


i awoke today thinking about the concept of “take the read pill or the blue pill”.  i thought “why not take the purple pill?”  purple is my favorite color after all, and i am one who can see the various sides of a discussion/issue.  purple then combines the red and blue.  isn’t it more helpful to unite?

i wonder just how deep and far the awakening will go.  when Q spoke of the pledge of allegiance and included the phrase “under god” – i immediately thought “that phrase was added in the 1950’s – (1954 to be precise) by congress….it’s a deep state addition.”  the original pledge went like this:  “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands; one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

some in the Q and patriot movement seem to wish to see only a religious nation and one that is Christian.  go deep and you know religion itself is part of the programming.  and yet of course freedom is the desired end result and as such ALL have the right to believe or NOT believe in any sort of Creator and label it and practice it however they wish.

i also see some in the movement have complete distaste for anything labeled “free” and unless one works for something, one isn’t worthy of whatever that “thing” is.

that is when i feel more in alignment with the blue pill peeps who speak of things like free education, health care for all.  housing as a right.  however i walk away when i see they want the government to provide for that (which really would be just another control system).

we can have a way of being – living-creating- that doesn’t include pay to live.  THAT is the purple pill.

we can have a way of being/living/creating that provides tech to heal us, power our lives, etc.  THAT is the purple pill.

we can have a way of being/living/creating that includes a TOTALLY new way of learning.  again – purple pilling.

in short – what is it we need?  the purple realm in which we reside provides that need – gives us the freedom to HAVE that need met.  no need to prove ourselves.  no need to pay for it.  ALL are worthy and deserving to live that life of ease.  and we have the tech (all repressed – the inner and outer tech) to do just that.

enough on that topic…onto a little divine message that came through to me. on my ride tonight, i decided to visit my sacred tree.  it’s been awhile.  i ride up, greet her, then place my hands on her.  as i am tuning in, i ask if she has a message for me, if she has anything she wishes to say.  just then my phone goes off, signaling i have a text message….and i hear “check your phone for my message”.  i check my text and it’s a friend speaking of the current energy today – must be something new.  thanks tree.  i was wondering if something different was up today.

that’s all for today.  as you can see – a rather neutral day with a couple of sparks to capture my attention.  gonna go search to see if i can find some more magic.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.