Is the STORM finally here… ?
by Oliver, published on I uvsweden, on September 9, 2018
I will put snippets of his article below as well as a pdf file of the whole piece just in case his site is going down. In some cases I think David and others including myself have been “played” at times when it comes to some information received. But then who hasn’t? Still my hats of for these people sharing information over the years that seemed to be conspiracy theories… if you knew that this exact term was invented by the CIA to stifle conscious awakening of the public you probably would have had a different approach to thin foil hat memes in the past.
The Khazarian mafia, Cabal or The Deep State seem to finally being coming down.. Heather Ann Tucci -Jarraf have been showing the shady doings of financial transactions through her Paradigm Report. This data is one of the rabbits holes in the financial world that not many have talked about.. it displays the underlying harvest through the rules of UCC, (Uniform Commercial Code) that underpins all trade on all levels on Earth. I’ve added the Paradigm Reports pdf.