One Last Magnetopause Share ~ !!!???


editor’s note:  ok my stomach clenches when i see this.  feels like pressure building getting ready to be sprung free like a slingshot sending a butterfly free.  (not the best description but it’s all i have at 12:44 in the morning ~ need to get to bed after this one.)  it is my feel i just experienced – this date is significant. even though 9/11 is considered an event that happened here in the states, it was something that has affected the entire realm for the traumatic and freedom crushing events that followed.  those that wish to keep us controlled are desperate, trying to create scenarios to keep us “low” and afraid.  the awakening has long reached critical mass – thousands upon thousands – millions of us know 9/11 was an inside creation.  we know what it was used for.  and our collective energies are silencing their narrative – energetically and as we are seeing, literally.  ALL is energy and as such, this energy is showing up on these graphs.  this is, as i say and feel, an inside job first and foremost – with much needed and welcomed assistance and help from that energy (and other Beings) outside that is responding to what it is we are creating with our thoughts and desires, knowings and commands.  WWG1WGALL.  in love and truth.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

p.s. ~ still having issues with posts not showing up in the subscriber list.  it’s only increased.  i feel it is likely shadow banning.  i’m not giving that my focus so instead i say if you find little to no e-mails in your box each day, just go to the main page and click on the latest posts menu.  i also reached out to another website owner to see what app/plug-in they use as i (and i know many of you if not most) desire just ONE e-mail get sent out each day with a brief blurb and link to all posts created.  



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.