as i was going through today’s headlines i saw a couple that gave me pause. one, kanye west wants to abolish the 13th amendment. not that the government follows this one as we’re all slaves in metaphoric chains tied to the banks and corporations. why would he say this though? he has some explaining to do. but then again he’s one of the elite and if he tweets something controversial, the world goes crazy. how sad it is so much attention is given to these celebrities – regardless of their beliefs. i am much more interested in what any of you have to say than i am any of them.
second headline ~ kavanaugh raises almost $400,000 in 5 days – and that’s stated as a positive. ford does something similar and it’s controversial. honestly both of these folks run around with the D.C. elite so i don’t trust either of them (although i have a bit more trust in kavanaugh but that could be my own bias and wishful wanting). this whole circus is a con job – an embarrassment. the right is every bit as much “asleep” as is the left. the left are in mellow-dramatic hysterics – the right are wearing the “i am better than you” pompous hat.
i still have no desire most days to say i am a proud american. i am a very disgruntled being who resides in this space called america who views her government as a giant puzzle of deception and game playing. hopeful that is changing but until i see the finished result, i’m remaining detached – observing.
all of these craft that are allegedly here – likely watching – observing – perhaps thinking “we came here for this?!” would i get involved w/humanity at this point? given how i feel today, no. i’d exit.
as i have long said – how can i be authentically responsible and discerning if i am not given all of the data? the full truth? the full as in the brunt of the responsibility rests right with all who have lied and deceived and abused and created and continued the systems of enslavement and power-over. about all we can do is say NO – as long – and as often as is needed. and follow up that “NO” with as much action as we can.
however that looks is up to each of us.
i am feeling the presence of the being’s out there – i was able to tune into that earlier and for a moment could feeeeeeeeeeel them – and they are simply watching. given what i have read – and felt into – we are the last of the realms to be cleaned up. can i prove this? nope. again – until i have the full truth and all of the data it’s still a game – even though it is being played through my heart.
aside from all of that, i am unbelievably punchy tired today and very thirsty. commanding change and freedom – love and support. kind words.
the players who engage in power over and games of deception can exit the stage – N O W.
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“we came here for this?!” Thank you, that gave me a good laugh! I think we’re all tired. It seems like a portion of this community has had enough of this and just wants to exit. I know I’m one. I have had it with this insanity and want to go home. This world is a failure and humanity will never “be ready” under these circumstances. There is no learning going on here. Humanity isn’t “waking up”. Trying to fix this world is pointless. How many times I’ve asked the question “What the hell am I doing here?”