JUST IN: MEN CAUGHT HANDING OUT CASH To Honduran Caravan Members Who Plan To Storm The U.S. Border [Video]


editor’s note:  likely another attempt by the DS using the left to create more chaos and distraction.  this one has GS written all over it…


October 17, 2018

The caravan of Hondurans that started out with 300 people has exploded to 4,000! Even though President Trump has warned the Honduran government to make the people turn around, they keep marching towards our border. Rep. Goetz posted a video on Twitter of men handing out money to people in the caravan. He asks the question of where the money is coming from and why they are handing out cash to people. Great question!

Continue here:  https://100percentfedup.com/just-in-men-caught-handing-out-cash-to-honduran-caravan-members-who-plan-to-storm-the-u-s-border-video/

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.