The event 2018. Something hit the moon. Dragon? Mirrored video.


editor’s note:  the object you are looking for is off to the left – almost looks like a cloud-like formation.  still trying to grasp what this could be.  is this a new sighting?  unusual?  not sure.  dragon as some are alluding to?  could be – looks like something huge flying (not a ship)…..interesting many of us have been feeling dragon’s (and i had to suddenly color one) – then a couple of days later Lisa Harrison says they “broke through” to our realm.  Last night I had some sort of a dragon dream – it’s fuzzy – i just woke up thinking of them.  my mate just watched it – i didn’t tell him anything about it – and he got chills and said “wow that looks like a dragon!”  


Published on Oct 18, 2018

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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