This morning, while in a state of meditative bliss and release, I remembered levitating and how natural this was for us ~ especially when we connect our energies via lovemaking. Now how AWESOME will that be again?!
I then had this knowing that there is a matrix source and of course REAL Source. The source w/in the matrix talks a lot. Uses a lot of words. Usually it doesn’t ask what you need. Doesn’t feel “service to you” oriented. Disregard that nonsense. LOVE SERVES. HELPS. P E R I O D.
Pure Source ~ the one that is not simulated, replicated, copied ~ is pure creation that NEVER seeks to power over, control or even question. It simply Shares and Offers. This knowing I received came as feelings within so putting such experiences into words is a challenge.
This still leaves me with questions. Why was this experience in this realm allowed? The Source that I am aware of in this state of consciousness within is in complete alignment with Freedom. And in the state of Freedom one simply doesn’t power over another.
And yet, as I received last night, it is possible that the Source in You is different than the Source in Me. We are one – but not the same.
Moving on to the thought of home, the feeling of home and experiencing this changing reality. My daughter and mate, who are more visionary than I am (I am the sensing/feeling type) ~ have been seeing other dimensions ~ straight on too and not out of the corner of their eye/in their peripheral vision. Things seen: cats, other being’s in a variety of garments, types of cars and crafts. My experience? The feeling of being in a trapped environment – trapped in a cage – is H U G E now. I had a brief conversation with a dear friend from my teenage years and he has been having the same experience for some time now as well.
This means something, I said. I then recalled the powerful dream experience I had over the summer where I saw myself on a table in a room surrounded by high tech gear – computers mostly. I was sleeping/unconscious. I was also younger, bigger and had a lot of curly hair (which has been a natural desire of mine for as long as I can recall – while also desiring the “I am supposed to be taller” experience. It’s difficult to explain other than to say these two desires have been life long and have left me feeling gypped as I hear “i was SUPPOSED to look like this”…).
I have been chanting within “remember” over and over while also sending the powerful message “WAKE UP!” There is a reason I am doing this.
What I saw in the dream – is that REAL me within the matrix? Is this vessel I am playing in now just another programmed avatar?
Asking myself those questions I suddenly got dizzy and had to take a slow deep breath.
ALL of these questions are leading me to Truth.
And as I have been throughout this cycle and likely ANY previous cycle in which Truth has been kept from me ~ I continue to command the Truth reveal itself to me.
How are all of you?
Much love,
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