editor victoria’s comment ~ oh how i can relate to the not being comfortable in current situation. or with current stuff. friday evening, i did what i have always done each year ~ something i did not want to do this year given i had intended so much on NOT having TO do it: swap the summer clothes for the winter stuff. due to space i keep winter stuff in containers under the bed. usually i rather enjoy this change. i put on music. sort through stuff. this year? zero aligning. zero resonating. zero enjoyment. the music annoyed me – i had heard it all before. the clothes? same experience. i took a lot of those clothes and put them in bags to give away.
always ~ throughout my incarnational experience ~ when i am energetically DONE with something – NEW comes along. i have been DONE with so much here for so long – i am perplexed as to why NEW has not yet entered. i feel NEW will not come from anything 3D either. i outgrew so much – slowly i can see – but nonetheless outgrew. the inner tension of “if this keeps on going for one more second i am going to energetically burst” is palpable. what can i do about it other than to ALLOW it and see it for what it is ~ for how i am seeing it now: the rinse and repeat cycle this realm has had us programmed to create and all of that frustration ~ just typing these words i can “see” myself in my mind’s eye ~ arms and legs flailing ~ hearing me scream GET ME OUT OF HERE. all of those emotions…. how people find peace with being trapped – i don’t know. some say freedom is just a state of mind. the being trapped is an illusion. all is a choice.
and yet to make a REAL choice in the REAL deepest meaning of the word means having ALL that is hidden REVEALED so you CAN make the purest choice.
so mastering this trapped experience?
i don’t know.
i have yet to master it.
quite hesitant on whether i am going to…much less “need” to.
if all is a choice ~ i choose ~ as always ~ to fully merge with the NEW i know and feel and sense is “here”. IN here and OUT there. last night as i was doing my quite time playing before going to sleep, i could feel a tug off to my left. it’s been awhile since i felt that. energetic tug ~ as though “parts” of me were being removed (for lack of a better term). i thought “hey keep me with enough me while i am still in this vessel”. this vessel ~ esp. lately and most definitely today ~ is operating at max capacity and is in MUCH need of a tune UP.
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There’s a number of items that feel like they are coalescing. This is on a Cosmic level, as well as planetary, and personal.
So, well… here we are. And you know, even though I’m using the pronoun, “we”, I can only really speak about the “me” part of it. And sometimes the “me” part of it does not always care for what the I AM of me is wanting to go through… or, better yet, “grow through”.
Ascension is about expansion, rising in vibration, love frequency, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. And I am not able to define any of it. But it usually does involve releasing, letting go (of so-called “lower vibration” stuff), and rising in awareness of what the next phase is to be. For myself, it is almost always about “what’s next”.
As an “Energy type” worker BEing (those are my terms for myself, not anyone else’s), I am always aware that my current anything is not fixed, and may change at any moment.
Currently I’m not feeling “comfortable” in my current location, nor with my current “stuff” (which includes mind stuff, spirit stuff, physical stuff) situation, and I know it is to be changing “in short order”. No definition about what “short order” means.
I keep emphasizing (and sensing) that there is some type of major “cycle(s) completion” going on. I know the cycle I have been in is nearing it’s “completion point”. And I know what is to be done, by me, to help to complete the cycle(s). Some involves sorting through, releasing, a bunch of things from “my past”, some involves physical clear-out of stuff (tools for living) that are no longer needed (or it’s their time to move on), some involves taking care (healing) of 3D body issues. All sorts of things.
A primary item to be aware of is the requirement that any “fear” of what comes next must be released. Or at least recognized when it comes up, and then just moved beyond.
No idea if any of this makes any “impact” for anyone besides myself, but there it is. We’ll just keep on moving on, no mater what or where the “moving on” happens to be.
Aloha, Kp