a very good insight worth your read if you have a twitter account…
9.) Who knows about Tesla’s work? I think our @POTUS does!! Remember he said he knew about nuclear before there was nuclear! ..in a way, maybe our @POTUS is a master electrician! Wouldn’t doubt it!
— words.pen.ready.writer (@ready_pen) December 28, 2018
Fox News and other new outlets mocking the people in NYC about the blue light in sky, laughing at them saying they saw aliens, blah, blah, blah.
i found a person’s video he took – showing clearly there were craft on the scene at the time. who was in the craft of course remains a mystery. i will link it later.
Yes, I saw that video later too.
Aluna Ash has a theory that the NYC blue lights is a program, a ritual. “Predictive programming to download info in the collective to manifest an “event” by default.” I guess that means, for the ca8al to perform their own fake “event”? (Nobody uses the “E” word anymore, who uses it?)
Here’s Schrodingersothercat blog’s take on it:
a possible take. maybe the alliance is doing double duty – taking on the role of helping ground troops here take out the dark controllers while using the color to get people conditioned to seeing the skies as they will look at the moment of the event. ??https://www.loveinactionnow.com/wp-admin/edit-comments.php#comments-form