Today’s Reflections on Energies and Experiences ~ 2/18/19


the energies today are INTENSE!!  i feel (again) like i could run a mile or two and keep on going.  our child is all but manic (and i am going to take her for a walk in a few – yes like a dog – she is really that intense).  energized is the word of the day the past few days.  i also feel really in between two world’s although i don’t have the “where am i” feeling but more of the charged up “let’s get it DONE” type of experience.

i also feel time took a leap today – perhaps we got pulled away from the concept of “time” – i’m not sure.  i can only go by how i feel and this day literally F L E W by.  after feeling as though i’ve been walking in a slow-mo movie, today shot ahead.  it’s like someone turned on the “GO” button – only at hyper speed.  i could not keep up with even the basics – although i did realize i seemed to have pulled off dinner (a new recipe) in lightening speed.  wonder woman powers.  what’s comical about this is my mate, who began checking the local Coinstar machine the past week for coins and he’s finding all sorts of things including a Captain America medallion – which is now hanging around his neck.

i’m still craving sugar and tonight he brought me polish donut’s.  (i am polish.)  other than that the desire for meat continues to be next to nothing so other than sweets, today i ate beet salad, mixed green w/quinoa salad (going to get some more of both of those – YUM), almonds, coconut, eggs, potatoes, bread with homemade jam.

i’ve also been doing the breathing exercise Lisa Harrison mentioned in her latest video.  the 3 times i have done it, i have noticed it just takes me a couple of visual attempts and the infinity loop takes off on its own.  i am assigning particular programs to detach from while reinstating the codes of love and freedom.  peace.  trust.

the mimic is back and showed 3/4 whiteout on 2/15/19.  i will link the video i took later.  will also link some energy graphs later as well.  if i remember.  for now i have a manic kid saying “let’s go mommy-o let’s go let’s go let’s GO!”

ok then.  until next time….




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.