D/S Media Poking at the Qanon Movement with headlines detailing the Shooting’s in NZ


editor victoria’s comment ~ when does the media EVER give such a time when sharing details about such events?  talk about a poke – at least they validate the Truth of the movement.  such scum they are…i can’t even….


17 minutes of carnage: how New Zealand gunman broadcast his killings on Facebook

Jack Stubbs

LONDON (Reuters) – A gunman who killed 49 people at two New Zealand mosques live-streamed the attacks on Facebook for 17 minutes using an app designed for extreme sports enthusiasts, with copies still being shared on social media hours later.

The live footage of Friday’s attacks, New Zealand’s worst-ever mass shooting, was first posted to Facebook and has since been shared on Twitter, Alphabet Inc’s YouTube and Facebook-owned Whatsapp and Instagram.



Below is a powerful statement on the issue of Radical Muslim Extremists and lax immigration policies:


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.