the amount of censorship is intense right now. i am thankful for my other channel on Patreon as they allow me to share directly to f/b without hassle.
i had a vision this morning about the dark forces – those who are deviant. deceitful. they want us to keep playing with them. in my vision – and creation – i stood firm in who i am – and came purely from my heart – and stood there – in a sort of stand-down. they feed on anger. frustration. fear. when in the heart space of PURE DIVINITY and POWER – well that doesn’t feed them so they are repelled to go look elsewhere for their fix.
as i did this i saw them retreat – and then they began to feed on each other. it was sickening – and sad – but that is what i saw and it wasn’t something i expected. i was simply engaged in keeping my space protected.
today i had more feels about Who I really Am. Original Me. that may be different than what you and many others feel. that’s ok. this is not about judgment. this is about what ALIGNS with me. and Who I Really Am is Pure Goddess Divine. My Feminine Energy is not just about this physical form – it is who I AM. I had a vision where I saw Source as being those energies of masculine and feminine – and how those two states of consciousness were put into physical vessels for a fun experience. It was Pure. Amazing. Free. Joyful.
I Align in an experience where Men are Divine and Women are Divine – both creations in their pure power. each supporting the other. That explains why this experience – this creation – of gender neutral or non-binary/no gender – doesn’t align. At all. I support the right of any Being to create their own experience in the true meaning of Freedom…but this does not indicate I too will wish for the same type of experience.
I also do NOT align w/the experience of All just being All. All just IS. Almost as though there is no thought formulation. My feel is the All just being All is what allows power over to be allowed – to infiltrate and “take over”. Maybe some wish for that or support it – or give it no thought what so ever (until it impacts their creating). Me? I align with Freedom and what is Pure and Divine – what comes straight from the heart-space.
As I went out today, I had some inner angst. The feeling of being out of alignment with this realm was quite strong. As I drove to my destination I turned on the radio and heard a song that, at first, I did not want to listen to. However, something gently nudged me to listen – this was for me. So I listened and remembered the lyrics: “I’m coming home!” Upon hearing those words, I was overcome with emotion and tears. I then heard “I got you. We got this. I am here with you!” Big Me? That is my feel.
i leave you with some captures – electron spikes and a couple of captures on the LASCOC2 again. some massive tube-shaped craft and that Thunderbird image again (last image – left hand side).
be well. if you feel called now to “final-up” as to who you are/wish to be, then go with it. i am feeling that for myself at this moment.
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