Today’s Reflection ~ 4/19/19


i awoke this morning and felt into my life and my experience.  i pondered something yellow rose had said at the end of her recent video ~ how we will have full memory for 100 years until another veil is placed over us and will be removed at the next gathering.


no.  no no no no no no.  not allowed.  my feeling – my heart space – says absolutely not.  that is just another experience where OTHERS are in control.  and this transition and awakening is about ENDING ALL DECEPTION.  all separation.  all power-over.

i thought of the channeling’s and the “dear one” messages that tell us what we have to do.  what we have to eat.  think.  be.  do.  damn.  enough of that already.  no one has the right to tell another how to create.

if ANYTHING invokes fear it is another program.  i feel that so strongly – i have to speak the words.  Love Helps All.  Love offers that door to freedom to ALL.  Love says create freely.

then i tuned into Heather.  apparently there is another update from her and i will read and share that in a bit.  that woman is Pure.  Authentic.  Her heart is golden and full of Love.  i feel it.  yes she speaks in a language and uses words that can be difficult to grasp – and sometimes it all feels too fluffy for me.

but she has come from Love and from Truth that is fully authentic.  and she has CREATED from that space.  she doesn’t sit around and channel other beings and that tell us what to do.  or think.  or do.  she speaks words of empowerment by helping us remember who we really are and what has happened in this realm.  she has taken action to help free us all and now she sits in a jail cell.  she seems to be ok with that – i know most aren’t and i am one of them.  but i have my perception and experience and she has hers.  the end result for her and i and so many of us is the same – FREEDOM.

the biggest reason i share so much about Trump is because he is taking ACTION to help clean up the mess.  while his energy is different from Heather’s – his choices different – he has pure intentions and like Heather is creating and doing to create that same end result:  FREEDOM.

Love In Action.  that is what i am about.  that is what this site is about.

and that is what i see happening.

if something does not align with that heart space of Truth – discard it.  if it causes you to worry or have fear over your worth or anything of the kind, discard it.

YOU ARE WORTHY.  YOU ARE LOVE.  what is happening is nothing to be earned – but accepted.  allowed.

relish in that.

much love,



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.