this converts to midnight pacific time. if you need to convert to your particular time zone, here’s a link to calculate.
i was thinking back to what lisa said in her previous video about how our bodies at home are pretty much sleeping/resting continuously now – at this point in our merge. this seems to align with my personal experience – i noticed something switched and quickly just in the last 72 hours. i feel i was having these doorways to home open between Me there and me here – sending energies – almost transferring images of Me there to me here. the biggest thing i noticed recently that seems to have shut off, as i said, was how i look. my eyes were looking bigger and younger. it was subtle but noticeable. i spoke about this recently and said i noticed it in my mate.
that has since changed for me. now i feel i am looking older and he is as well. not all are having this experience which leads me to ponder perhaps “Home” really is an individual experience and means something different to each. i was reminded of the dream experience i had where i saw myself in stasis – not hooked up to anything – just sleeping – inside this empty room – which was round – surrounded by what seemed to be monitoring computers. as i have said i looked pretty much like me now only younger – hair was curlier and fuller, richer in color – my nose smaller and straight – body was longer. but it was indeed me and i was only allowed to see me/her for a brief moment.
i am also feeling much more drained the past few days. i went for a bike ride tonight and really struggled energetically. our girl was with me and had the same experience. usually she’s riding on ahead of me but tonight she lagged behind and finally said she was tired and wanted to go home.
i feel like things here have just STOPPED. SOMETHING is up and whatever this something is – it IS indeed imminent. it does indeed feel as though just a wee bit of me/consciousness/energy is here in this body. keep on going, i am telling myself. i got this. stay in the heart. and when the sh## stories/issues come up, allow them to flow to let them go. a lot came up today – almost like the floodgates were open – and i decided i had no need or desire to figure them out. even doing focused healing with them – no desire. they’re just a story and given who i really am – they’re just a sentence in the entire, massive book of who i am.
there are no tests – only pokes. this is not a school – it’s a playground (even though the controllers tried to convince us were were little children needing schooling from the masters/them). the matrix is indeed using others to poke at us. i used to think those were tests for me to expand and go inward – which of course are very useful tools. however in a prison – in a realm of control – would a loving Source test us while here or would Source work through us and with us to answer our call for Freedom and speak to us during those matrix pokes to help us detach and remember Who We Are.
that is what Love does. and i remain, as always, faithful To Love In Action.
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