Sky captures the past 24 hours – what a difference a day makes


after being quite literally assaulted all day long yesterday with trails, we awoke this morning to a bright blue sky and puffy white clouds.  they did poke at us by laying down two huge trails late in the day but tonight’s sky was far different than just 24 hours ago as you will see below.  my question:  how can the sky change so quickly?  prevailing winds allegedy travel eastward – but the sky often remains unchanged during the day with these trails – esp. when they are laying them one right after another.  oh well – the curious part of me imagined a massive windshield wiper wiping away the previous day’s debris on top of this planetarium’s dome/roof…at this point this would not surprise me in the least….

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.