Update on my reflection on the recent gaia portal


i misunderstood who the “team” was referring to when they spoke of “Hue-manity” as compared to “hu-manity”.  while i still don’t feel ok about using a capital H as compared to a lower case h, i see they were referring to the hue being’s as being those awake – here to awaken hu being’s (hu being’s defined as being “unawake”).  i had originally thought the hue-being’s were referring to the non-human being’s who are a part of this experience who often channel and use language that is vague and carries an energy of “better than”.  that is a deep issue with me and so i got triggered and did not let myself see/feel different.

i do now.

that being said – i still find them repeating messages that are quite vague so i remain in a position of observation in terms of their service to us.  it is possible that there are races of being’s who use metaphor’s to speak.  the language barrier.  who knows what our Original language was.  just one more truth to be remembered.  i still remain a Being who aligns with the concept of “give me action – not words”.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.