A Reflection ~ For those who have given up


i share photos and experiences here at times of the local people who are homeless and who simply no longer care.  they take and harm without impunity.  seemingly without care.

obviously no one comes into this matrix, in all of its games of power over and deception, wanting to give up.  wanting to harm or take and take and take.  most of us enter wanting to give love – and have that love received and returned.

that doesn’t happen for every one though.  obviously.

let me tell you from experience – it is a pain beyond words when you have reached out for help when in a crisis only to receive silence.  or just words.

people “fall through the cracks” not because by nature they are lazy.  this happens over a period of time and experiences.  pain accumulates.  neglected enough times, the heart rather naturally hardens.  the brain kicks in and says “don’t trust!  stop trusting!  do you want to be hurt again?”

for many that is a big “NO”.  as i explained to my daughter about this earlier today – i used a glass of water filled with water.  the glass was a human – the water – the energy of their pain.  when that cup is full – that vessel full of pain – just one little drop can be all it takes for the entire cup to spill over.

emotional vomit.  it is messy.  scary.

and avoidable with NEW.

i am discouraged over what i have seen happen in my city.  saddened.  afraid of having an encounter with one of these people.  avoidance of certain areas is the choice for now.  i see the mug shots.  i read their stories.  the “human” in these people isn’t registering in their eyes.  they have simply – given up.

how do you heal that?  how do you come back from that space?  and what can be done to facilitate that?

forced treatment?

showing dignity – love in action – would be like trying to talk to a wild animal who has been tortured by humans.  slow process – and most importantly – ongoing support.  consistent.  people take a lot of stumbles and falls to get into such a position.  it can take just as many stumbles and falls to get out OF it.

so while i carry anger and disgust over the safety of my own family – my own child – being in jeopardy in certain areas now due to the actions of others who have lost all sense of concern for other humans – i also know what happens to them can happen to anyone – especially those without a support system.

no one is safe here from being negatively impacted by the matrix and its systems.

and i get why sometimes it is easier to sell out and join in the “go get yours even if it means taking from another” creation.  not really different than what all of the corporations do to us, is it?  the only difference – they provide a service.  but the concept is still the same – i am going to dictate what i take from you.

something has to break.  give way.  relief is needed.  NOW.  as i say – there is no purpose in suffering.  no point.  no lessons or karmic crap.  nonsense.

we are One but not the same.

when are we going to start carrying each other?




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “A Reflection ~ For those who have given up”

  1. Perhaps, it is an invitation to open ones heart to the deepest love and compassion possible ?
    “Grist for the mill”, as the Host of Heaven once said. Just a few suggestions: Perhaps, invoking the Violet Flame for all involved, to transmute the negative energy, which seems to be collecting or snowballing, could help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M19Qz0C18k
    There are lots of invocations out there, one can say. Ho’Oponopono also would be helpful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Qoq75-DQm4

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