well i could sum it up in one word: W O W! her perspective continues to align with mine. from the dreams and the visions and the inner feelings and knowings – i continue to support her and her insights. some of what she says aligns w/what lisa harrison has been getting – in particular how close we are to the end – how there will not be any further mandela effects (which are just them messing w/the codes)…..
i also appreciate her saying the transgender agenda was part of their goal to get us to be accepting of EVERY THING and to create division and confusion – to pull us away from all that makes us Human.
so…..that’s about all i have to say really – much of this has already been covered. so i will end this reflection (before going on to her next video – birth of new races) to share a dream our daughter had a couple of nights ago. she experienced seeing the archons (the monsters) dying – including the queen – who also had a rectangle type shape on top of her head.
a lot to take in. but again – that’s how they got away with it – and likely part of their reasoning for messing w/our original DNA coding – they made it easier for them to get away with their tricks. but our connection with Home NEVER LEFT. Love works that way.