Syrian Slaughter? ABC News Apologizes for Mistaking Kentucky Gun Range Footage with Attack in Syria




posted by Hannity Staff – 4 hours ago

ABC News issued a full-throated apology this week after airing footage from a Kentucky gun range that the network claimed was a Turkish attack on northern Syria.

“ABC issued a correction and apology Monday for reportedly using video from a Kentucky gun range while falsely claiming it depicted a fierce battle between Syrian Kurds and Turkish forces,” reports Fox News.

ABC ‘slaughter in Syria’ footage is actually from a military show in Kentucky – this video is side-by-side footage of what ABC showed and the military show.


and some Trump tweet’s on the ABC debacle as well as the situation in Syria:

This. One. Is. AWESOME:


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.