Today’s thought: Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right


and here I am….stuck in the middle with Q.  You.  Me.

Clowns, clowns everywhere.  (i don’t like clowns, btw – they’re creepy and deceptive)

The clowns.  I’m seeing and feeling – easier and quicker now – their deception.

If this really is a movie – a game – then there will be players on both sides. Although those seeking to expose and remove/heal ain’t playing a game. They’re hero’s in it to reveal truth.  I see my “role” and yet I don’t consider myself a “game player”.  Those who play games seek to deceive and to win at any cost – even if that means to harm others along the way.


There is now a channel I have been listening to for awhile – and now, not so sure I will be listening (or sharing).  In this particular video, a link to last night’s Q video link was shown – only the font was clearly different than youtube video fonts and the time of the video had been altered.  It was the time of the video that was the basis for the video for the author says it lead to an important “comm” (communication).

There are many alex jones’ out there.  People who share truth sugar-coated with deception.  If there is one thing that bounces off of me immediately – that is deception.  Intentional deception.  I miss the mark at times when it comes to sharing my truth and feels (like here it is getting near the end of this late october/early november I was feeling for much of the year for something big to switch/change – and yet, well, here we are….).  The one thing I do here more than anything else is to figure out what’s true and share it.  If I am wrong, I will admit it.

There are also the alex jones types in the spiritual community.  A group of alleged psychics recently claiming to now know the date of the event – toying w/people they would share it the next day – then everything changed for them and they gave an approximation.

Does a clown admit its a clown?  Nope.

Just something to take in and feel and keep in mind.  I feel a sense of responsibility to share what I feel is true – in a way that is authentic and transparent.  And wow does it piss me off when others create deception just to draw in an audience.  Those of us who are sincere truth seekers – it is easy to fall into their traps.  Another thing that awakens my inner roar – when I see others being lead astray.  I want to bring out my sword, cut through the nonsense and say “YOU WILL NOT DECEIVE THIS PERSON”.

Reveal thyself….remove thy mask!

I feeeeeel what is happening here is all that is not authentically US is being revealed.  It is easier now to spot deception.  To feel it.  It’s as though all of the hiding places – those little energy corners inside here – don’t have anymore covers.  Blankies been removed.  Both out there and within our own self.  For we have all done things in this experience – inside this pit (or whatever “it” really is) – to make it.  All sell out – most unknowingly – but some knowingly.  The entire pay-to-live puts us in situations where we do/say things that are absolutely against and contrary to who we really are. That’s why “they” – those creepy clown types – put it here.  Any thing to knock us out of alignment w/Who We Really Are and out of our heart-space.

So while there are clowns to the left and jokers to the right, I remain (as best as I can) centered in my Heart.  That is where truth shines brightest.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.