R Wayne Steiger ~ A Second Look – The Illusion of Perception of Reality


editor victoria’s comment ~ another awesome conversation.  comforting. so confirming of the feeling that we KNOW we didn’t want to come here – we’ve been confined/imprisoned.  this isn’t Home – this is not where we originated – this is where they placed us. we KNOW the experience has been controlled.  we KNOW everything here has been created to deceive and traumatize us.  great history and reflection in this one.  very much in alignment w/his guest – other than her perception that they cannot control us w/o our consent.  nonsense.  we can refuse to consent – we can state it – and when someone can over power you physically or with more tech and other means what are you to do?  that’s as ridiculous as saying a child who is being tortured by his parents can stop the behavior simply by refusing to offer consent.  and the akashic records is THEIR record keeping and is something i don’t consent to, follow or align.  i already canceled every single contract i may have made for all were made under false pretenses and deceit – and i have verbally stated I DO NOT CONSENT – and i have verbally stated repeatedly I COMMAND MY FREEDOM.  and yet – here i still am….  i like the end how she speaks of when we leave these bodies here – not coming back.  this is the image i continually get in my mind when i think of doing another cycle here (he stops on his way down – and climbs back up):


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.