What blasted out of the sun today?


editor victoria’s comment ~ headed our way too…. as i saw this i thought “this is gonna blast us on the 12th”….listening to a video now…we have a full moon on 12/12 (those in the mountain time it also becomes officially “full” at 12:12am)…..some have been speaking of a 12/12 portal…….anyway there are some photo captures i took from the LASCO……..i found the obvious circle coming out of it – and expanding….looks like an expanding portal doesn’t it?…..and you will notice what looks like one of those VAH’s (planet w/those mechanical arms) suddenly appear then disappear…VAH = ship.  

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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