Headlines, etc. 12/16/19


STUNNING! Democrats Make Up Wire Fraud Charge to “Criminally” Indict Trump — And Suggest 20 YEARS IN PRISON!

Stalinist House Democrats Vow to Continue Impeachment Investigations Even if (When) Senate Acquits President Trump

BREAKING: Judge Rejects Flynn Lawyer Sidney Powell’s Request For Brady Material – Sets Sentencing For January 28

Trump Rips Debate Commission, Raising Doubts About Whether He’ll Participate

‘TOO DAMN LATE’: Gowdy Shreds Comey After Former FBI Director Admits He Was Wrong About FISA Misconduct

The Main Source for Christopher Steele’s Garbage Dossier Was Subject of “Open FBI Counterintelligence Investigation” But DOJ Did Not Tell the FISA Court

the bill is currently postponed:

New Jersey Assembly Passes Bill To Eliminate Religious Exemptions For Vaccines For Schoolchildren







obviously disclosure of what’s already been going on:

511K subscribers


more antarctica (HATJ i believe said something that at the end was Antarctica revelation):

380K subscribers



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.