Some info on those SOTU speech papers Pelosi ripped up


•There are 2 COPIES; one for the VP, one for the Speaker of the House
•The copies are SUPPOSED to go to the National Archives
•Members of Congress are not entitled to receive a hard copy, though many have received them in the past. President Trump has chosen not to give out copies, which is his prerogative.
•Members of Congress receive a Congressional Record (verbatim transcript)
•The President has the ORIGINAL document, but it will also eventually end up in the National Archives.



Image may contain: possible text that says '18 U.S.C. ၌ુ 2071(b) specifically directed at custodians of public records. Any custodian of a public record who "willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys (any record) shall fined more than $2,000 or imprisoned than three years, both; and shall forfeit his office be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.' While the range of acts proscribed by this subsection is somewhat narrower than subsection (a), does provide the additional penalty of forfeiture of position with the United States.'


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Some info on those SOTU speech papers Pelosi ripped up”

  1. That makes it pretty clear, doesn’t it? Nancy “Pants” Pelosi, doesn’t know squat about her own office.
    Perhaps a couple of months in the cooler with the appropriate rule book would help her out.

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