if my memory is correct, the recent Lisa Harrison DTC told us that the next message from Home would be either from the dragons or about the dragons….dragons have really been around me the last few weeks – little nudge here and there….Rose has well has spoken (in comment section) recently about the dragons…
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stock here.
From prior Trump tweets, we know that he is quite anti-vaccine.
9 Trump Tweets at OP
So why is he going along, promoting the vaccine meme?
1) There will be an executive order that no vaccines are mandatory.
2) The smart, free thinking people, who actually research, study, investigate will not take any such vaccine at any cost or pressure. The idiots who just accept the mainstream narrative will.
Prove me wrong.
stock out.
Interesting video. I’ve read how the dragons are fighting for us and clearing out the outer atmosphere of the dark ones. Also, Laura Whitworth said her next video she’ll have a message from the dragons.
Oh no–IET guy MrBotus’ twitter has gone private. Can’t see it public anymore.