1/14 Finds & Intel….and a Reflection


The energy feels better today.  Yesterday was rough – and it was my birthday.  Having a 13th number as a birthday number has been, well, difficult.  Long before I knew about “them” – I still was under the spell that “13” was bad.  Evil.  Something to fear.  So each year on my birthday I felt hesitation.  There was always some kid or other strange adult who would say “ooooh your birthday is on the 13th” – emphasizing the 13th part.  In time I made the decision to celebrate being the oddball – maybe even one to fear a bit.  lol  But still with each birthday I could “sense” them (their rituals).  Yesterday was the most difficult birthday to find some sense of peace – for every year I have been able to find that energy of celebration from and with the Universe/Source.  But yesterday?  While I found moments, overall the heaviness made its appearance known.  And interestingly enough, some energy chose to block messages from those w/whom I really wanted to hear from but was wondering why I wasn’t. Today I woke up to several messages – including voice mails – from these peeps of mine wishing me a happy birthday – having sent them yesterday.

My phone never showed them until today.  A first.

I take such things as a good sign that “they” continue to get their arses pummeled outta here.  Every day is something to celebrate.  And I rise up and claim in full-on ROAR and child-like HUMOR that I, Victoria, entered their prison on the 13th of January knowing this was the last cycle of them.

So it is.

And as I felt last night, declass was going to kick into gear today.  Looks like that feel was spot on.  As far as what happens next week – I can only reflect.  I have a few ideas/feels.  Byedumb is sworn in and then arrested/exposed.  The real one is gone.  Patriots are in control.  It’s a wrap and we are just watching the end play out.  Our friends 17 drops talk about this is war followed by the @ sign – which is indication we are in an information war (with physical clean up outside of the info happenings).  17th number talks about [scare] necessary event – scare being in that kill box.  Perhaps one of the bad actors already gone being hurt or taken out.  SOMETHING will happen to allow ALL to see.  S E E.  Literally S E E.  Maybe taped confessions already happened played out on all devices.

Just some theories.  Whatever happens, I am still watchful and not throwing all of my faith energy into one basket.  Have back up plan in case this is all a giant lie.  That is what one learns to do when in a deceptive matrix.  Back up plans are as necessary as always having a stash of chocolate on hand.

Here are some finds.





So the questions linger:  WHY is this happening?  And WHO is behind all of this security?  I know POTUS declared a state of emergency in D.C. which gives him extra authority over the goings on….And lastly – is this to keep people out – or in?




Get everyone to tune in – do it right before.  Ok….I can support that (although I am not one to likes things going right down to the last possible moment)….


Release it A L L………


CHECKMATE……all controlled scripts…..


I’m pretty sure at jack is controlled….


Two ideas:  spells or just filmed all at once for the movie……



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

4 thoughts on “1/14 Finds & Intel….and a Reflection”

  1. I was just looking again at the photos in the tweet of the witch Pelosi…

    Look at the creases on yhe flag, zoom in and look at those along the edge if the chair.

    I do not believe a flag hanging behind that chair with the coming and going, would not have changed at all in that time, do you?

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