AnMarie Uber ~ Tony Sayers talks New Age Psyops


I know many of you will really appreciate this one.  I will say one of the channels in which they speak of – you do not see that here on this site.  A few years ago, yes – but not now.  If it doesn’t feel loving or helpful – I toss it aside as the ‘ole new cage b.s.  No one earns their way out of hell.  Freedom is our INHERENT RIGHT.

AnMarie Uber ~ Tony Sayers talks New Age Psyops

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

5 thoughts on “AnMarie Uber ~ Tony Sayers talks New Age Psyops”

    1. well first of all it is cue – not cue anon. and it is a psyop – but for good. he however doesn’t seem to align with it – which says to me he probably hasn’t gone down that rabbit hole.

  1. I feel like an artichoke sometimes..ya know..just peeling away one ‘leaf’ at a time to get to the juicy Sovereignty Me…so, anymore caca del toro filter does not waste any time. I have ‘been done’ along time with channeling and ‘councils’ who have all the info on this worldly journey..I even am discerning when I have had body work done thru reiki and massage..and the person doing the massage..says stuff like..and this really happened…” you were honored in your tribe because you mastered the power to create fire out of your hands’….well, okay…how very magical of the ‘past me’..I mean seriously in this now time the heck is that gonna serve…but my take away if you will..was ..I best not abuse my ‘power’.
    One of the biggest money making industries not talked about…The New Age Marketplace…oh, the books and seminars and crystals and cards ..oh, my!

    1. lol i used to have reiki done and even studied it. i had two women who would get intuitive reads from me. i realized both were just getting their own stuff. one experience had me driving all over this little remote town looking for the house this one insisted was for me. turns out – she’s the one who moved away (closed her practice). and yes on the new age marketplace. i do have crystals and rocks around my house as i love them. i love collecting rocks and prefer to find them (and 95% of what we have have been found).

      1. If you ever Travel again…and do the US..Arkansas is like the Quartz crystal ‘seat’..there was one little town I drove thru and people just had tables out front of their houses loaded with crystals they dug can dig your own too..some folks doing their own digging have found huge diamonds and gemstones. I have been into stones since I was a little girl. I used to take a hammer and find so much joy in cracking open a rock to see what was is people…some times their outsides don’t look so good,but of sparkle bits and color…hey, maybe that’s what the ‘Kracken’ is all about…bring the hammer down..and get to the sparkle bits and color on the inside…yee haw!

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