Richard Citizen Journalist in DC at 10pm EST ~ What are all the Police doing there?


That’s a huge Police presence – and in front of the Department of Treasury too.  Hmmm…(for some reason – yet again – my platform is not allowing the video to play – all I can do is link it to anonup)….Prepping for the Chauvin trial?


Here is the same video on telegram:


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Richard Citizen Journalist in DC at 10pm EST ~ What are all the Police doing there?”

  1. friday the whitehouse capitol supreme court raided empty actor biden has never been there.400 secret service and us marshall swarming the streets choppers to.
    cant find what i did with the link.

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