Reflection and Finds ~ 4/20


I want to provide an example of how thoughtful my girl is.Β  As I have shared here, she has been denied the right to play with her old friends because of her friends programmed/mind-controlled/brainwashed parents.Β  I have shared the pain that has caused her over the past year and how that pain is also felt by myself and her dad.Β  And that is not a pain anyone wants to poke at.Β  Not at this point.Β  One of those friends had a birthday yesterday.Β  My girl remembered and made a beautiful little card and dropped it off at their house yesterday (putting it in the mailbox which sits next to the front door – no one was home).Β  I told her not to hold out high expectations for contact while reinforcing how kind and thoughtful she is.Β  She is an excellent friend – the kind of child many parents would like to see their children mimic.Β  It is now the next day – end of day – and there has been no word from her friend or the parents.Β  They have my number.Β  They are only a couple of blocks away.Β  They could have sent something – a text – said something.Β  My girl said they drove by today and smiled.Β  (I never see them drive by, btw.)Β  They could have stopped.Β  Just one moment to thank our girl for her thoughtfulness.Β  She is too good for them and all like them.Β  She deserves so much more.Β  To be honest, she has never had a really good friend yet.Β  She’s usually more mature, certainly more thoughtful.Β  She doesn’t lie (that’s been an issue) and doesn’t engage in bully behavior against her friends (that’s been a real issue).Β  As I have said, she is the one friend who has reached out – CONTINUOUSLY – for the past year in an attempt to maintain the relationships.Β  For these parents to claim they are doing this “for the all” is a f’ing lie.Β  I know they don’t like my opinions or even like me or my mate – and we’re fine with that.Β  However this is about a child who they have all made clear they don’t care about.Β  And that – that level of behavior – is unforgiveable to me as a mama of a child who just wants to play with her friends.Β  How evil and sick it is that I even have to say that.

The program is locked in place.Β  It would take a miracle to knock it out.

Moving on…..

I did a bit of reflecting late last night after I watched POTUS’ latest interview with Hannity (shared here last night).Β  Anyone else notice when referring to Pfizer he said “FISA”?Β  Three times.Β  He also said “time’s about up” and one other thing I have since forgot.Β  His energy was stoic and he had on that no nonsense face.Β  I also noticed the face make-up.Β  He’s obviously not outside playing golf as is being reported.Β  If so he would have a natural tan by now.Β  The guy’s obviously in hiding for the most part now.

Hiding.Β  That sounds nice.Β  Safe and insulated.Β  I woke up with the song “Broken Wings” going through my mind.Β  In particular the following lyrics feel very aligning atm:

So take these broken wings
And learn to fly again
Learn to live so free
And when we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up and let us in.

Someone open up the gates to let that love frequency blast in.Β  I ain’t consenting one bit to having this play out the way it is for the normies/unawakened.Β  They have made my experience here deeply unsatisfying – especially this past year.

Here are some finds.


V | Calligraphy alphabet, Tattoo fonts, V alphabet



Well this explains last night and how I feel today:




This is from the Apple event today.


Q has the looking glass.


“A randomized controlled trial (RCT) of 246 participants [123 (50%) symptomatic)] who were allocated to either wearing or not wearing surgical facemask, assessing viruses transmission including coronavirus . The results of this study showed that among symptomatic individuals (those with fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose ect…) there was no difference between wearing and not wearing facemask for coronavirus droplets transmission of particles of >5Β Β΅m. Among asymptomatic individuals, there was no droplets or aerosols coronavirus detected from any participant with or without the mask, suggesting that asymptomatic individuals do not transmit or infect other peopleΒ .”


Pfizer’s CEO Hasn’t Gotten His Vaccine Yet


There was a theory this one is an actor.Β  He knew full well what he was doing when he closed down his state – just like every other governor.Β  I don’t trust any of them now until I see otherwise.Β Β 

Florida Gov. DeSantis says lockdowns have been a β€˜huge, huge mistake’


Monkey Werx OVERWATCH SITREP 4 20 21


Hmm…There are several who say their “ONE is THE One – different messages….I get this vision now and then being in front of several individuals with different perceptions and each one claiming THEIRS is THE truth and if you don’t go with “them” you won’t survive.Β  At this point I’m just pretty content to do my own thing….

the One: Things Have Happened


I think that’s enough.Β  I’m off to hibernate in the bedroom…

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

8 thoughts on “Reflection and Finds ~ 4/20”

  1. Re the NIH sourced mask scientific data post and link–thank you–YES!

    Which prompts the question: Why are our nation’s governors avoiding and ignoring the science and scientific data?

    Earlier today I was down the ‘real pandemic’ rabbit hole re the Spanish Flu back in 1917-1918, and I found this:

    “Although the Surgeon General of the US Navy acknowledged that wearing masks by hospital staff was good practice, β€œthe morbidity rate, nevertheless, was very high among those attending the sick,” and may only have prevented infection from a direct, close hit from a cough or sneeze of a patient. The protocols followed in the contagious annex of the US Naval Hospital in Annapolis, MD, were sufficient to prevent cross-contamination of β€œcerebro-spinal fever” (aka meningitis), diphtheria, measles, mumps, scarlet fever, and German measles. Not so with influenza. In fact, the infection rate of staff was as high in the high-protocol wards as in the improvised hospitals. In one improvised hospital at the Navy Training Station in Great Lakes, IL., the infection rate was higher among those corpsmen and volunteers who wore masks than those who did not!”

    1. oh wow – but not surprising. thank you for sharing. why ARE the governor’s ignoring this? oh i don’t know – probably because they’re evil..? i don’t “get” any of this at this point and why if there is this liberating plan it allowed for this lockdown gestapo agenda – especially for this length of time.

  2. Re: The One.

    My mind latched onto this phrase.


    Well, my husband is President of the local Teachers Association (it’s not a trade union, they offer facility to teacher members for information sharing, and centralized legal advice).

    As Pres. my husband attends all the school board meetings in the audience (I watch them on youtube), and has been in alignment with the current boards decusiins and focus, as they sort out the last TWO Superintendants fiscal issues. At the moment there is a temporary Superintendant as they look for another.

    Part of the issue is what is termed the ‘school house’, a large, bond funded multipurpose building (it was poorly designed, and, does not fulfill any of the schools needs well) spearheaded by the previous-but-one Super, and, the former school board President (there is a sense that one wanted money, the other the legacy – his family are big wigs in a small town).

    The current board are mainly Conservative, and are now addressing the fact that the building is operating at a loss – in no small part due to the terrible contracts negotiated by the last Super. with the manager and his assistant.

    At the last board meeting the former board President appeared with a gaggle of supporters (this was a typical leftist organized show – scripts provided).

    The board had previously met in executive session a few days before, to renegotiate the managers contract.

    This had been reported by the manager as the board wanting to fire him…

    Accusations were thrown by members if the audience that the board was ‘out to get the manager and his assistant’, and that the assistant had been ‘intimidated’ by 3 different phone calls (it was not clear in the hullabaloo who exactly made the calls).

    Then, a member if the public (who refused to give her name), accused one if the lady board members of bragging about ‘getting rid if the manager’ while being drunk at a bbq… really – this all happened at a school board meeting…

    Bear with me.

    So, lies, slander and false accusations, from a group surrounding a leftist member of the local power family.

    This was then followed by a series of obviously scripted presentations accusing the board of over stepping their boundaries (remember, in the absense of a Super.), and praising the managers coaching ability (this was the job he did at the school while doing another job full time elsewhere) to the point that two of these folks were in tears – yes, we had crying.

    The fact that
    a) the board was not trying to fire EITHER of these folk, was glossed over

    b) none of the presentations addressed the fact that he is vastly over paid for what he does, receives way too many perks (3k for business cards! My husband has to pay for and provide his own!) A large annual pay rise – teachers only get the State mandated – and the previous board allocated it ALL towards the health care payments).

    c) they focused on his coaching career only – which he had not done in 3 years, because NONE of them had been to any previous board meetings to find out what he actually does in the job.

    You may be wondering when I will get to the point, getting there… 😊

    Over the last couple of days since this meeting, my husband and I have talled about the situation, and, the reaction in the school from the teachers.

    I had sensed that given the emoting that was going on, hubs was being swayed away from his support of the board.

    I said, ‘The group that came to sh!t stir, were being motivated (herded) by an individual who is only motivated by power and money. ” (my suspicion is that the managers over the top salary is part of a money laundering scheme to the former board President), “Do not be swayed by the bleating sheep, just because the majority say something or a minority scream loudly, does not make it either true ir right… continue to support the board.”

    He knows this, he just needed a reminder.

    He had an Association meeting last night, where they will be nominating for their executive board (it happens this time if year). He is hoping they will select someone else… but those he has spoken too, have said they want him to continue – not only because they like the job he has done, but, because they do not want to step up… sigh.

    I see this all as a microcosm of what is happening in the wider world.

    The left, motivated by power and money, fighting to regain control, while hiding behind platitudes of ‘community good’.

    Yes, two of the presentations actually said “This is for the good of the children”… ugh… the good of the kids would be a board not focused on unscrewing the fiscal mess this building creates, and the 20k the manager is over paid, going back to provide for those kids!

    They really think we are stupid.

    So, a contract renegotiation was presented as an attempted firing, deflection and emotion, not fact used as weapons, and lies thrown with no consequenses.

    I am ambivalent about my hubs continuing as the Association President – it is tiring for him, takes away time from our communications (he works 180 miles away so we Skype every night), and is starting to turn into lefty bs, but, the members respect the work he has done, and he has had a positive effect for the group.

    I guess I will hear tonight.

    That one quote was just so relevant, so true, seeing it in realtime, first hand.

    I did wonder if the 5G mind control has been turned up… it did surprise me when it seemed hubs was drifting in that direction.

    If you do not want to post this being long and parochial that is ok, I just wanted to add the micro view situation into the mix.

    We are at war at every level, and we NEED more Conservatives in all community positions, guiding away from the leftist corruption that has become considered ‘normal’.

    I do have to add – I think your girl will grow into a strong person.

    I know it is hurtful to see and experience such adversity, but she will turn this into something positive, your guidance Victoria, will ensure that.

    1. Great story Carole…..this could be any local authority or ‘Coonsil’ committee in the land where I live! In particular The SNP under wee Jimmy Krankie Sturgeon and her minions of Neo-Liberal Progressive (another good Orwellian one that) Communists. I came to the conclusion long ago when I realised that these cretins in any situation spend more energy and time trying to cover their arses and further their corruption by any means possible than it would take to actually do the job properly and it was then I knew it was all deliberate and agenda driven at a higher level of purpose. Occam’s Razor n all that!
      I suppose it’s some consolation to know that their evil is consistent and evenly spread wherever bureaucracy exists….’twas ever thus.

      Dark to Light……… πŸ™‚


      1. Jimmie Crankie Sturgeon – I got a good laugh out if that one!

        Used to watch the Crankies, when I was a wee kid in Scotland – my Dad never liked them – “Stupid wee muppets.” he called them…

        You are so right, the time and energy taken up by the folks who are stirring things up, on behalf of the person who is herding them – would be SO much better used doing good in the community… but alas…

        As an update…

        My husband told the Association last night, that any reaction to the debacle at the board meeting, would be the responsibility of the individual, and, as the Association is for Teachers, not Admin staff, the Association would not be making any official comment, or action, regarding the Managers contract negotiation, nor the situation that developed at the meeting.

        So, despite there being teachers who wanted to proclaim their support for the manager and get the Association kawery involved (this is part of what the Association dues pay for, free legal assistance) – after only hearing his side of the story – they know now, that they will ONLY be commenting as individuals – NOT on behalf of the group, and the group will not be taking any action, least if all offering legal assistance to someone who is not even eligible to be in the group.

        The Association will be nominating by Friday and voting next week… I have to say, I am still ambivalent.

        But, we Conservatives, MUST get involved, we must lead the return to local, small government, to individual responsibility.

        School boards and teacher groups are just the places to start. We have to meet and beat the left at their own game – organizing and activism, in the community.

        1. I thought I read previously that you had grown up here. you managed to escape this septic isle….lucky for you! Seriously….you wouldn’t recognise this country anymore. I am planning to leave when this is all over. Place is an absolute shambles, broken at every level. Best wee country in the world they parrot at the Ministry….aye sure!

          I’m glad I gave you a laugh πŸ™‚

          You are absolutely right about organising locally, sadly none of that wil happen here until the cabal is routed. People don’t even know their neighbours here anymore. total breakdown of all of what I had growing up in terms of community and people helping each other out. Sadly it all boils down to the advent of social media and SMART tech, same as everywhere.

          The paradigm shift which is coming will change everything, bring it on πŸ™‚


          1. I was last over there in 2002 – 2005.

            Even then, it felt odd, different…

            Every pocket of land being built on, the horrendous traffic… I just put it down to being away for a while…

            The thing I was surpried at, was the lack of Union Jacks, it was all Cross of St George in England, and Cross of St Andrew when we went back to Scotland – the divide was already taking place.

            I miss the pubs, old buildings, and green grass – N. AZ is very dry. We went 8 months without a single drop of rain and other than 2 sprinkles in March, have not had any significant rainfall since last May – the redirection of moisture so China can have an early Spring planting, has affected our weather here… but, of course, not to the point the County has stop issuing building permits… I forsee a time when we have to bring water in, in 500 gal tanks…

            It saddens me to see how much further along in the agenda the UK has been pushed… I only have two friends left there that even pay attention to what is really going on.

            We hear we are in the majority – but I do wonder about the veracity of that.

            In my experience – I am definitely in the minority.

            I think the remaining family, and other friends, all think I am a bit nuts.

            Oh well, I continue to post choice memes and verifiable fact on Flap book (where they still hang out), and hope that at some point in the future, they see the truth of it all.

            Which bit of Scotland are you in? I was born in Ayrshire, but we moved every few years, so, I generally say, ‘West coast South of Glasgow’ when asked. 😊

  3. I just realized I omitted to add the phrase from ‘the one’, that sparked all that of my previous post!

    Hope it now all makes a bit more sense…

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