A mid-day check-in ~ and the Schumann ~ 5/24



How are you all feeling today?  Everyone in this house is exhausted – including our normally energetic child.  So after doing some school, she is taking a hot shower and going back to bed.  It didn’t help neighbors had their lawn service first thing this morning with those awful leaf blowing monstrosities – just a few feet from our bedroom window (which was open).  I ended up holding on to one of my crystals, put in ear plugs and tried to get some more sleep.

I checked out the schumann and noticed that ugh fence pattern is back atm.  And checking again – I see one of those black lines.  Hmmm…..  You know – it is possible these black lines show timeline-related happenings.  Let’s intend it is GOOD removing one of their myriad of “skits” as YRFT calls them.  In fact – I notice energetically I feel a bit better now that the “black line” has entered – cleaning out the frequency/experience that shows up as that fencing pattern.  It was very visible – now it is much lighter – as though in the background instead of “front and center”.  (Remember when it was solid for weeks – back in March/April time frame?)  You can see how it appears to be “clearing it out”:

I am hearing that the recent solar activity is the most intense ever seen.  Sister D says she feels they are taking out the matrix.  I feel she’s right.

Some interesting “hunches” ~ two of my emails from different vendors both spoke of “almost time for good bye”.  Weird, huh?  Talking with Sister D on the phone – the music station was playing “At Home” and showing the image of a beautiful beach.

That’s all I have atm.  Let me know how you’re doing if you feel the need.


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “A mid-day check-in ~ and the Schumann ~ 5/24”

  1. I am so, not full of energy, so tired I am dragging and my dog and two cats have been unconscious all day.
    My dreams of last few days have been pleasant, I dreamed last night my husband and I were in a war that was all around us , helicopters flying around some bombs going off in the distance but we were not afraid and going about our life at home as usual.

  2. Today hubs went back to work @ 4am – later than usual as its 10 days from the end of term (not counting down – honest).

    I actually managed to get back to sleep – this time, it took 2mins for the alarm to wake me – I was dreaming that I was trying to deactivate it using a key board, tried 6 or 7 combinations.

    Today was productive. Finished the raised beds in the greenhouse, got tomatoes planted, soil tilled, 3 weeks of ironing completed, usual chores, dealing with the vet (regular shots/check up visit), spraying weeds around property. Weather was lovely, no wind, 78°, cloudless sky… and the animals were calm and cooperative.

    If every day could be like this… 😊

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