6/21 Reflection and whatever I can find that feels BOOM-like



First a few video shares (long story – copying/pasting part of an email below messed up the formatting so now the videos won’t share so gotta share BEFORE the strange formatting issue began…apologies for the techies who would likely know what to do – i ain’t one of those types)….


Do tell! 🐸




A couple of RCJ….DC quiet (always appreciate “real people” insight…)….No flags at the Pentagon…

Lisa Mulholland @irishone


Pennsylvania Avenue this afternoon. Washington is abandoned. I’ve lived here my entire life. Metro barely runs. Buses are empty. The city is empty. FACTS! 🇺🇸👊🏻
I can cross town in mere minutes now. I remember as a child my dad had a special license (as head arborist) to drive anywhere. We were constantly driving across the mall and parks etc to avoid traffic. No need for that anymore.
That was 35 years ago
Washington is abandoned, desolate, empty.





I am feeling so disgusted today.  I think I referenced that earlier.  I am absolutely feeling the attacks and the war and wondering if it will ever win – and in our favor.

We received a message from one of our daughter’s instructors (a class she was taking until CV cr@p).  She wants to start up the class again – at no charge – which is wonderful.  However she’s still one of those “without a clue/critical thought” types who still believes in the dangers of the virus and goes along with whatever the state says.  The children MUST arrive with a face covering and only once they are at their respective location – with 6′ distance – can they remove their masks – IF they want.

Friends – this is for an OUTSIDE ACTIVITY.

She went on to say parental choice would be respected.

So I responded back with the following:

“Thank you for offering this activity, xxxxx.  I will let my daughter know.  Since you will be respecting parental choice, I am letting you know her father and I do not mask her (certainly never outside) so if she is interested in attending, she would come without a face covering.
If you are willing to see different information on this, let me know.  I am a writer/researcher.  I have friends who are in the medical field who have treated this virus the past year and a half successfully.  Children are not carriers of the virus and there is a treatment protocol.  Society has been greatly deceived.”
Will this be a red pill moment for her?  Who knows.  Given the mindset around here, highly unlikely.  But I decided to use this as a chance to not only assert my boundary as a parent but share Truth.
Anyway, just wanted to share that so ya’ll can see what I have been dealing with around these parts for a long time.
TOO long.
Mentally this has taken such a huge on everyone in this family and I know on MANY of us.  Enough is enough.  We’re in need of some real intense healing and if this plan is legit, that better be soon and FREE and effective.  To me I am at the point of fight back or go remote.  No more middle ground wait and see and trust the plan.  And don’t tell me this has to take time.  If you are spouting that, you obviously aren’t a parent or aren’t surrounded by DOLTS.  Want to help – truly help – ask what we need.  Reach out to all you know – see if someone (here in the states) you know either has or KNOWS of someone who has an affordable home to rent in a place that is more open, “red” (for lack of a better term) and rural.  Safe.  Surrounded by nature.
Anyway – I see others walking away from the plan as well – certainly making similar choices for themselves.  I almost admire those who have such faith in God as to think God is in control.  Must be nice to be able to pacify oneself with that belief.  IF there is a real God – he/she/it ain’t doing a THING.  Real physical being’s are the ones doing the real work.  I woke up this morning thinking this and recalled something Lisa Harrison passed along that Leeloo said when asked about God – allegedly the message from Home was “no one really knows for sure”.
I am of the same feel.  I keep having this feeling that each of us simply holds a piece of eternal consciousness and our vessels have been SERIOUSLY compromised to block our REAL “God” abilities.  There are words I continue to hear – how it is said we are Gods (Divine).
Where is the proof of this outside Source – this big expansive massive life form that resides outside of us?  God wins?  Shouldn’t it be WE WIN?  Isn’t YOU AND I the beings who have suffered as a result of “their” rule?
My awakening has truly been about this:
May be an image of 1 person and text
Finding someone truly – TRULY – like me (aside from my mate) – in person – is something I still seek.
Here is what I find that I feel is worth sharing.
Anyone know who he is?  Legit or hopium pusher?  I’ve seen him before – he seems legit/authentic.  Just don’t know who I can trust these days….

I have obtained audio tapes of a Moderna representative making horrific admissions.

I will be breaking first thing tomorrow.



🔴Spike Protein Poster
Here is an A4 Poster which people can print and hand out or post in different places to help educate the public about the dangers of the Spike Protein – it also tells people about Vitamin D because it’s important to give people something that can do for themselves to help protect their health.

THIS:  Very powerful video (have to be on anonup to view):
More hopium?  The article is legit – had to search for it – has a different title:  Durham Taking His Time With His Investigation AND it is from June 15th….And he didn’t make a MAJOR announcement….Chuck is spreading hopium…..Until I see otherwise, DURHAM is a distraction imo….

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “6/21 Reflection and whatever I can find that feels BOOM-like”

  1. Personally, the whole’ plan’ with the so called connection to ‘it’ being biblical..lost me in the beginning..to make a connection to the bible and these times.. ridiculous.Who wrote that book anyway? Most of the population could not even read or write..so again the ‘elite’..those that could be educated with reading and writing wrote ‘the book’..and with all stories told by our ancestors not everything was true or as it was told..things get manipulated thru the ages.
    If there is a ‘god’ running this he/she/it is warped and is no better than some of the nasty we see here in this domain.
    I was raised catholic so, I am no stranger to dogma…dog-ma…god is dog..backwards..
    Well, the most loyal trusted companion who loved me unconditional , who protected me from harm, who never judged, who was always there and whom I could trust was my DOG,
    If there is this almighty and powerful god..then he/she/it does not like children or humans it seems. If this planet earth is god’s domain and he / she is so benevolent, then why all the abuse more importantly the abuse of children?If this god is so powerful then how did it allow the infiltration of evil at all..so, it would appear god and satan are on an equal playing field..just a different energy vibration.
    I don’t get the god will save …when? After we suffer more and more and more…that is not an energy I appreciate nor do I respect.
    All we have is our own soul…and we make the choices we make out of learning, love or ignorance and it’s wash rinse repeat it seems until we are ‘done’…done is the key…just being done means you no longer allow ‘that’ which is done.
    I have my intelligence …heart , mind and emotions…and my integrity.
    Everything is just energy..good bad indifferent..but energy..I think dog energy is the close to god energy..and there are good dogs and bad dogs…energy.
    I cannot ‘control’ the world..I can only be ‘in charge’ of me..my little universe that is pulsing inside of this avatar I am using for my soul adventures.
    I am in this world, but I am not of it.
    I am a tribe of one at present..oh, yes there are like energies on the internet I see,but they are not in my physical world and perhaps they don’t need to be in my world.
    I have trust that what I do with my energy is important to the whole. I maintain my little portal on my property with the energy I would like to see more of,but I am not in control of what people ..even ex friends..are doing.
    I don’t trust the god principle in all of the nasty going on as i see no help from a benevolent source.
    I do have ‘guides’ I rely on and they have shown their selves to me. I call them the grandmothers…they come when I need assistance and I ask them to assist others if they so desire.
    They are benevolent and real to me..they are something to aspire to.
    I would not aspire to be close to any energy who abuses or allows abuse of children..nothing godlike in that at all.
    Catholics believe you are born with ‘original sine’ wtf on that ..see you are born to be punished for a crime you did not commit ..always punishment ..always asking for forgiveness..BS on that..and at this point BS on all of this

  2. As I was watching this video yesterday, I actually started crying. That doesn’t happen too often and I already knew this video, so that was unusual, especially as I’m not an outspoken Christian. I’m pretty sure now, that this is what will happen and my reaction, there was nothing I could do about it, tells me, that it’s imminent. Now, that might not have any relevance for anybody and I already got flack for believing in such nonsense, but something happened to me when I watched it…
    The Man Who Saw The End Times

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