8/4 Finds….



This is H U G E.  Share this one everywhere!  (from 2020 but still relevant)


Another source: 



I would love to have her as my neighbor….Smart grandma!




Media here in the states is totally silent on this one.  




🔴PLEASE NOTE: The story about Patrick King in Alberta Canada is critical to turning this whole thing around… He demanded proof of the virus to justify the restrictions and when they couldn’t do it… They removed all mandates!!

The virus doesn’t exist, even the fake validation paper, referred to as the Carmen Drosten paper, Admits they couldn’t get a whole virus isolate, in fact they used a computer generated facsimile. Talk about bullshit!

The whole thing is a scam, there is no whole virus isolate and if you cannot produce this virus, you cannot justify lockdowns, masks, forced vaccination.

This destruction stops NOW!!

🔵dr ruby






Still unclear on this one……..Seems like an ongoing Military OP….

UPDATE – Hijacked vessels in the Gulf of Oman



GOP Senator Introduces Bill To Require States That Mandate Vaccine Passports To Also Mandate Voter ID


CodeMonkeyZ Speaks with Gateway Pundit: “What I Put Out on the Dominion Evidence is Roughly 1% of What We Are Holding”



Narrative change (as predicted)…
Excellent news!
Missouri Gov Pardons St. Louis Couple Who Brandished Guns When BLM Stormed Neighborhood

‘It’s a correction of something that should have never happened in the first place,’ said Mark McCloskey, who’s now running for a Senate seat.


WATCH: Mindy Robinson Takes On Mask Tyranny in Nevada – National File

American patriot Mindy Robinson, who is spearheading the charge to audit the results of the 2020 election in the state of Nevada, delivered an impassioned speech railing at a County Commissioners meeting against the mask mandate in Clark County, Nevada, where workers are compelled to wear oxygen-dep..


Ezra Cohen-Watnick sent out 2 tweets tonight with a pretty interesting 23:44 timestamp. With the arrest warrants issued today in Texas, I’d say this is worth noting. DO IT Q! 🇺🇸🦅

Q Drop 2344

Are you ready to see arrests?
Are you ready to see PAIN?
Are you ready to be part of history?

link: https://twitter.com/EzraACohen/status/1413913201180299264?s=20

Photo 1/2





Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.