Refreshed everything, btw……….
Uh “MIDDLE WORLD”? Our friend called us tonight – and as my mate and our friend were talking about the “normies” not seeing enough at this point – I said “that’s what the middle world is for”. Think that’s a coincidence? OR it could also refer to those of us going Home/East/that place we call “Home” – and we have a “DOME” over our particular Homes at this moment – a certain frequency – that works as a locator for the exit/emit/pull. We are “between worlds”. Or it could be a metaphor for both. I know this – I am as cut off from this reality as I can be – longing for NEW every single day – so literally I myself am between worlds indeed. I am noticing it more and more – when I do venture out – as much as I LOVE to get out of the house – I feel like I am literally out of my “bubble” (dome) and when I return here – I am “locked” back in – as in right where I am supposed to be. Although I still pursue NEW and remain open to that NEW coming – literally will present itself to me. I know it. Interesting – the “rules of that game are ending”. Held in a force field outside of our control. All of a sudden that energy is dropped. Government about ready to go through a complete change/crumbling. FREE OF OBLIGATION AND THUS FREE TO MAKE A REAL FREE CHOICE. I cannot tell you all HOW LONG I have felt this – that I am literally “waiting” for the system to crash so I can finally DO AS I DESIRE and NEED. This is a good one………..
#pisces #tarot #intuitivereading
Pisces – Everything all at once.
Markets 90% plus all in red.
At least they got the right target this time…😂😂😂
— il Donaldo Trumpo (@PapiTrumpo) August 2, 2022
I yawn at this stuff – only because of the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait………….You know like uh DO IT ALREADY……….IF that is part of this plan…………It is highly possible this is one of those “other side” accounts…………How are we to know?
Another synch…..Earlier tonight I was saying to our friend that I feel this experience – on the outside – is already over and we’re just watching how it all played out and ended. Different timeline…..and/or the rest of us on the outside…….
Aug 02, 2018 10:20:02 PM EDT
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 000000 No. 113
Something BIG is about to drop.