KP !!


Holy shizbot!


I also had this interesting – very interesting – dream.  I feel the need to keep the details to myself – but feeeeel I can share the overall theme:  I saw the nova.  I had been in some sort of room/station – observing a monitor and a gadget – and was watching the sun enter – slowly.  As it came into position – that’s when it literally exploded – only I didn’t see the whole thing – for at the moment I knew it was doing its thing I was in another reality in the blink of an eye.  People were gathering around – celebrating.  T was there going from group to group.  Also of interest is in between my monitoring of this gadget I was playing cards w/my girl – and a certain number on the card kept appearing.  Let’s just say it’s aligning with what I and others have been seeing lately.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

7 thoughts on “KP !!”

  1. Glad you’re seeing a nova! I’ve been having apocalyptic end-of-world dreams. Perhaps both can exist.
    Endings are beginnings.

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